Clean car, free air conditioning check

The durability of AC Cars, whose heart lies in the compressor can work perfectly more than 20 tahun.Kunci strength depends on regular maintenance, approximately every 1 year or 30,000 KM, Freon or coolant should be clear, in vacuum and then re-oil and freon condition new.

KOOLTEC 007 is the latest technology and computerized systems, which can work optimally, the entire car air conditioner compressor oil can be issued without unpacking its components, the amount of oil compressor and Freon that will surely be filled again accurate, Joni said that in iyakan tan Fred (a friend join business). This tool is in brought directly from Singapore and Batam for our PT. Bright Primary Focus on point as distributor.

The main damage is caused due to lack of compressor oil in the compressor itself and lama2 less cold air conditioning and can cause fatal damage, burning oil due to the heat effect and the influence of friction piston compressor heat into the car. And now we again give a bonus to our customers who do a car wash can be free to check the AC.

Oil is mixed with Freon has a very large role in maintaining the old compressor durability. Therefore, do not rule out simply because AC Freon replacement is still very cool and cold. Number of adequacy of oil on the car air conditioner can not be detected by any workshop due to lack of oil in the system detector devices AC.

For it is better to spend a little fee for maintenance of car air conditioning system check, pengosongsn Freon, vacuum, oil filling, the filling freon, cleaning the condenser with a jet cleaner of the large cost for repairs, he added. For more details could come directly to the comp. Raflesia Block H No. 9 batam center. Tel. 0778 7056525 ...
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