The gift of life ... guys! - Conflict Management

Feeling frustrated? Angry? Easy emotions? We certainly never experienced it a time. Which is the problem here is that we can control themselves when the problem struck down? One way to be able to "deal" with the feeling of anger is with the mind cool. When the things that make us feel very angry and emotional excessive, try to menstop feelings, and calm themselves, and think about every word or action that does not regret later. Express what is the why and it makes us feel very angry.

* Listen carefully to what other people say
* Select the option without conflict and avoid the melee.
* If you are not able to complete their own search for assistance

Talking with parents and adults

Do you ever try to do this, but it does not get things that you expect from adults? Calm .. Do not be emotional first. Perhaps this is due to the way communication is a less precise. Nah, try deh use the following tips to improve your communication with adults.

it's just honest with your feelings. Parent or guardian you can be a source of support or advice. However, they do not understand what you have in mind if you do not revealing.
* If you feel sad, do not immediately be at the defensive side. If you start with the emotions so you will not be able to express your feelings.

Key in establishing a good friendship

Sometimes the feeling when we feel stress and pressure have, will help us to know whether our friends have for us. A good friend can umpamakan at each other like glue that hold things together and sharing in our lives.

Happy for you that I already have a good friend. But if not, try deh follow the tips below to find your friends "sincere."

* Look for people who have the same hobby with you. Akan eksklusi but not to people with different hobbies. Keep open mind.
* If you respect other people, then others will respect you.
* Accept that every person has a deficiency and excess.
* Even good friends but I have certainly not for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Develop other interests and do not envy you when friends have other interests as well.
* Friends you can not read your mind, so say if there is something on the prop.
* Be the person who could be the place to exchange ideas in reciprocal back and you should have to provide support when you encounter a problem friend.
* Support your friend. No problem if you do not agree with what they did. But do not tell about a friend from the rear ugliness.
* Choose your words wisely, because you can not pull back. Friend when you try to find something new, you may feel lonely and may be a friend when you can not have the time you need it. If you do not feel able to face such situations you need to develop the scope. You must respect themselves and other people you start with the opening up and want to interact with other people. Ok guys?

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