Journal Education Network Indonesia

Journal Education Network Indonesia

Indeed, "Indonesia Bisa!" But when? When we will eradicate corruption culture, not the culture of the nation, and start working together to help people and our country, rather than looking for opportunities to exploit the people and the 'force' our country? When we will eradicate corruption which colonize and kill the future of our country and the future of our children? If from now hopefully next year we can correct Resurrection National Day celebrated with full enthusiasm and high expectations. Indonesia Maju - Maju!

"Education-Based Teacher Ability and the Sejahtera, who qualified in the school, the Curriculum Requirements In accordance with the students and" Well Balanced "(balanced, with many skills including technology), which implemented the solution is PAKEM prepare children for primary our children to face the challenges of the future. "
(Ref: E-Pendidikan.Com)

Though the situation on the ground does not match the expected (above), new this month (August 2008) The Indonesian government has promised to provide for the education budget in 2009 that if used efficiently without corruption have the ability to overcome most of the issues above.

One of the issues that may threaten the opportunity to improve the quality of education in schools is a priority of the Education Ministry e-learning and the role of Internet in schools. Seems to be many parties in the ministry still believes that the Internet is the solution to the problems of education in Indonesia.

In fact, terrible rhetoric about the Internet as the solution of education has begun to appear in developed countries since the early 1990an and in developed countries, where most schools already have the infrastructure for e-Learning Online is only a small students in schools using the technology as alternative to conventional schools. Why? How is the quality of education?

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