Gallstone Berbaya for women, risk factors are obesity (Obesity), high-fat diet

Gallstone formation is gallbladder Crystal clusters in bile or in the channel. Stones in the gallbladder is kolelitiasis, while the stones in the bile called koledokolitiasis channel.

What is it?

Gallstone formation in women and risk factors are: overweight (obesity), high-fat diet, longevity, and the descendants of factors.

The main components of bile are cholesterol stones, and some other small form of calcium salt. Bile fluid contains a large amount of cholesterol, which are usually more liquid form. If the liquid bile is saturated, because of cholesterol, cholesterol, it may not be dissolved and formed outside the biliary sludge.

Most gallstones form in the gallbladder and the majority of the stones in the bile in the channel from the gallbladder. Gallstones in the bile in the channel when the flow of bile through a constriction behind the line or after the adoption of gallbladder.

Gallstone formation in the bile in the channel can cause serious infection of the bile channel (kolangitis), infection of the pancreas (pancreatitis) or an infection of the heart. If bile clog the channel, then the bacteria grow rapidly and infection in the canal. The bacteria can travel throughout the bloodstream and other infections in body parts.

How can I feel the symptoms?

Most of gallstone formation in a long time does not cause symptoms, especially if the stones in the gallbladder. Sometimes a big stone is gradually remove gallbladder wall and into the small intestine and colon, and a halt to the intestine (ileus gallstone formation).

This happens more often is the gallstones in the gallbladder and bile are. Channel from the bile, gallstones may participate in the small intestine or in the channel without bile and gall bladder symptoms.

If the gallstone formation is suddenly bile clog the channel, then the patient is pain. Lost more pain and discharge as painful colic. Pain relief and slowly reaches its peak, then declined gradually. The pain is sharp and the lack of relief devices, can take up to several hours. Location of pain is different, but most are in the stomach on the right side and could return to the right shoulder. Often nausea and vomiting.

If the infection occurred simultaneously with the channel setting, it will have fever, chills and jaundice (jaundice). Downtime is usually transient and rarely infection. Painful standstill by a channel can not be distinguished with pain due to gallbladder standstill. Stoppage on ductus sistikus cause gallbladder inflammation (acute kolesistitis).

Gallenstein that clog style pankreatikus cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), pain and jaundice may also be infected. Sometimes the pain is no longer relapse again after the gallbladder was, this pain can be reduced by gallstone formation in the bile in the channel.

How do I know if I have gallstones?

Consideration to gallstone formation is the examination and USG kolesistografi. On kolesistografi, radiation is the picture of the path of the contrast radioopak substances were swallowed, absorbed in the intestine to remove and in the bile in the gallbladder. If the gallbladder does not work, unlike cloth is not in the gallbladder. If the gall bladder function, the periphery of the gall bladder is on the X-ray image.

Diagnosis of stone in the bile channels ditegakkan on the basis of abdominal pain, jaundice, fever and chills. The results of blood examination usually shows a pattern of abnormal liver function, which shows the channel setting Galle.

Some of the other controls that provide additional information to make a final diagnosis is:


- CT scan
- A variety of techniques, the image Roentgen radioopak biliary contrast agents to describe the channel.

What should I do?

Channel gallstones can cause a serious problem because it must be removed. Since the composition of the largest gallstone formation is cholesterol, berkolesterol avoid foods high in general, from animal fats.

Liver-cleansing program will help in removing gallstones without surgery.
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