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Child immunization: Every baby and child must undergo a series of immunization in infancy.
Goal: To make them stronger for some types of diseases that can cause disability or even threaten lives.

Immunization means to give a specific disease germs that are weakened or turned off, appear to be resistance from the body of the baby / child.
Generally, their resistance was successful, so that they become immune (immune) against the disease.

Compulsory immunization = Because the disease is very dangerous to the soul baby / children:
~ BCB (Bacillus Calmette G): the causes of tuberculosis.
~ Diferi, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT): ditenggorokan causes pain, respiratory tract, and muscle cramps.
~ Measles: Causes respiratory inflammation and encephalitis.
~ Polio: The cause nerve paralysis.
~ Hepatitis: causes inflammation in the liver and heart pengerasaan.

Because immunization recommendation = disease can reduce the quality of life babies / children:
~ MMR (Maesles, mump, rubella): The cause of measles, German measles and gondongan
~ Hib: The cause inflammation - paruparu meningitis and brain.
~ Varicella: causes chickenpox.
~ Hepatitis A: The cause of inflammation in the liver.

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