CanCer And Toxins
Promotion of free radicals in DNA damage to cancer ... Free radical scavengers to protect cells against damage
One of the causes of cancer is excessive free radical damage to cells that harms your DNA and results in some cells mutate into cancer cells. Every chemical and toxin in the body damage caused by free radicals. Carcinogenic, leading to even more people. In combination with high acidity and low oxygenation, you have the recipe for cancer. Other reasons why we have too much free radical damage and too much cancer is that processed foods of more free radicals from the whole foods diet and have less than free radical scavengers to protect against these free radicals. In addition, you will be exposed to 70,000 chemicals - 20,000 of carcinogenic substances. This is of cause free radical damage. For this strategy, e-book focuses on the unique way of free radicals, the ability to kill cancer cells by increasing the amount of energy the mitochondria in cancer cells is the production. Cell cancer of the energy path is closed, because it is usually very little energy. Additional energy is a kind of supplement that causes cancer cells from the mitochondria, not by the cancer cells. And because it's dying. He is one of the powerful cancer killer, we have seen. Cancer Strategy # 9: Always low enzyme in cancer ... Use of enzymes Right To Kill Cancer Cells The researchers were for the year to the low enzyme and cancer. In fact enzyme therapy has been with good results against cancers in Europe, and by some doctors in the United States. Literally digest cancerous cells. In the early 1900's a doctor in Wales, noted that John Bart pancreatic enzymes destroyed cancer cells. Some brilliant observations, he deduced that cancer cells from stem cells, stem cells are uncontrolled. He that the fetal pancreas starts secreting enzymes and on the day of 56th Pregnancy. Fetus' do not digest everything before they were born. Questions why a beard in the fetal pancreas to start so early? He saw that the day began to produce pancreatic enzymes of the placenta stops growing. The enzymes stopped this rapid growth. Theory is that many of our facilities in the placental cells remain. If misplaced placental cells are lost and can grow as cancer, if you're not enough pancreatic enzymes. (By the way medical thought he was crazy. Now a hundred years later, has confirmed there are these cells.) In 1911 he tested pancreatic enzymes to stop cancer in mice and work. Natural and unfortunately he was Black Balled and died in obscurity. Decades later Dr. Kelly read more about his work, and recover from cancer with pancreatic enzymes and started treating and curing many cancer patients with pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Gonzales to investigate Dr Kelly who liked what he saw so much that he also treats cancer using pancreatic enzymes. The major reason enzymes levels is exhausted, that we eat mostly processed, irradiated and kitchen. Gastro-intestinal system, the processing of foodstuffs. Raw food, cooked when he was elected, it has enzymes that help the hunger strike, at the top of the stomach, where you sit for 30 to 45 minutes. The enzymes in food, the preachers food. Then at the bottom of the stomach the pancreas excretes more enzymes. If you eat cooked, irradiated and processed foods, the enzymes have been killed; food not preach to the stomach. But if on the bottom of the stomach two things happen. Additional pancreatic enzymes, to try to break food. Food, and often only partially digested. The pancreas, after decades of revision, which may no longer be able to ensure adequate supply of enzymes. They develop low enzyme of all types of enzymes and your body can not naturally kill cancerous cells using enzymes. In addition, food that is not completely digested all too often, to way into the bloodstream. Especially if you have a leaky gut syndrome from candida overgrowth. The food is partially digested as a toxin, and the immune system can be restored. This additional burden on already overworked immune system. Research has found that the immune system treats the ingestion of food as a toxic poison, so that cracks in the white blood cells in an attempt to remove it as soon as possible. A quality enzyme supplement with meals, the high level of protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat, and amylase to digest carbohydrates helps reduce food in the upper part of the stomach. So that does not give rise to pancreatic enzymes. The food is better digested. You must also Betaine HCL and HCL Activator to UNLOAD protein. It is also important, the enzymes on an empty stomach. A stack of research shows that enzymes, when they are in this way, enters the blood and purify it. And in the May digest and kill cancer cells. This also applies akan Tape clumpy red blood cells. Sticky, clumped up red blood cells clog capillaries groups and reduce traffic. This cell can not be properly supplied with oxygen. Like, by now, the contribution of cancer. Cancer tumors produce thick fibrin protein to protect it from the immune system. This also helps in the cancer tumor, where it is. Enzymes in the blood can digest, and the fibrin coating. Many enzymes need to be, and they must be highly protease enzymes, Nattokinase and other digestive enzymes such as fibrin Serratiopeptidase to fibrin. Natural Therapies to 11 e-book you will learn more about the award is that more than enyzmes kill cancer cells and digesting fibrin. In fact, it will help you if you kill Candida candida overgrowth. Cancer Strategy # 10: vigorously fight against cancer With some of the strongest cancer fighting supplements We have the research ... Conditions leading to cancer may also be energetic. In fact, both energetic vibration in May on the stage of cancer development. Cancer cells that are far lower than the amount of the fine energy vibrates. To the cancer cells, the vibration energy is too low. Increase the energy level of the body itself has helped some people to conquer cancer. You can use your cell to vibrate. One possibility is that drinking fluids were activated. Fluid fluid vibrates rate near them vibrate. Drinking water is the energy high-energy cellular fluid. The higher they are the ones you hard on the cancer. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) that may cause cancer. They are exposed to them by electronic devices. Mobile phone, computer screen and waves are among the biggest offenders, but also time with the radio on the side of the bed you can see, a healthy degree of electromagnetic fields on foot or two. You only need the car a little out of it. The radiation from mobile phones could literally eat holes in the blood-brain barrier, which functions to prevent toxic substances in the brain. If the hole is full of toxins in the brain, causing much damage. A Swedish study has found that many users of mobile phones has 240 per cent in brain tumors on the side of her head, on a mobile phone. Study defined 'heavy' use as more than 2000 hours total, or about one hour per day for 10 years. There are two ways to deal with EMF. You can try to ensure the exposure to them, or you can wear or use of products, the energy against the effects of radiation on the body energy field. For example, you can choose not to use mobile phones or portable phone, or you can use a good cell phone energy neutralizer on the phone to neutralize the radiation. Geopathic stress was affected by many alternative health practitioners in Europe as a cause of cancer. Simply put, geopathic stress is a healthy energy produced from the earth. One reason for this is the land-river down to the friction, the wrong kind of energy. Energized two developers of products that are both cancer is not up to them to check and see if they sleep geopathic stress. They changed their sleeping arrangements, and then in a position to get better. A study in the United Kingdom, the Gypsies, even if their diet and smoking habits of the poor who are not in the vicinity, because they get cancer because they do not always move that has been sleeping in a geopathic stress for many years at a time . 11 Natural therapies to conquer cancer e-book describes the development and release of some incredibly strong energetic elixirs in May and June 2008. You will learn how these energy Elixirs to be the most powerful healing supplements (cancer-fighters, and higher), we have found. This is especially important for cancer in the final stage, where you live, how much force as possible to avoid dying.