The cause infertilitas can be classified on the basis of anatomy and / or organ function

The cause of the male:

1. Deviation anatomy: Hypo-epispadia (pee hole location deviation), micropenis (very small penis), undescencus testis (testis still in the belly / thigh fold), etc..
2. Interference function: Erectile Dysfunction weight (impotensi), ejakulasi retrograde (reverse ejakulasi), etc..
3. Interference spermatogenesis: oligo / terato / asthenozoospermia (deviation amount, form, sperm movement).
4. Other: scrotalis Hernia (Hernia heavy bag up to the testis), varikokel (varises blood vessel behind the testis), imunologis, infection, etc..

The cause of the woman:
1. The vagina: vaginismus (vagina muscle strain), vaginitis (inflammation / infection of vagina), etc..
2. The cervix (mouth of the womb): polyp (benign tumor), stenosis (kekakukan mouth of the womb), non-hostile mucus (mucus quality mouth womb ugly), anti-sperm antibody (antibody against the sperm), etc..
3. The uterus (womb): myoma (uterus muscle tumor), endometritis (inflammation cells. Mucous uterus), endometriosis (the cells grow. Mucous womb, not in place), uterus bicornis, arcuatus, asherman's syndrome, retrofleksi (deformity and position of the womb) , prolap (pemburutan, penyembulan down to the womb).
4. The tuba fallopi (egg line): pembuntuan, constriction, channel pelengketan eggs (because the infection can be congenital or deviation).
5. The ovarium (ovary) tumor, cyst, menstruasi interference (amenorhoe, oligomenorhoe with / without ovulasi). This organ with a central hormone in the brain (hypothalamus and hipofisis) in a set cycle menstruasi.
6. Other factors: prolactinoma (tumor on hipofisis), hiper / hypotroid (excess / lack of hormone tiroid), etc..

When someone said not fertile (infertile)?
Infertility to make sure someone must go through a series of examinations or tests for both men and women. We recommend you consult with your doctor about midwifery tests what you have to do.

Checks can be made that men are:
Vetting sperm analysis. sperm factor is the single factor that causes most of the infertile husband, which ranges between 40-50%. Therefore, each pair with the infertile husband should be examined maninya fluid containing sperm. Before this examination, the husband is not expected to make a sexual relationship for at least 3 days.
According to WHO, the value of nomal sperm for analysis is:

~ Likuifaksi 30 minutes
~ Volume> 2.0 ml
~ Sperm concentration> 20 million / ml
~ Number of sperm ± 40 million
~ Motilitas / sperm movement> 50%
~ Morphology / sperm forms> 30% of normal
~ WBC (white blood cell) <1 million / ml
~ pH (acidity seminal fluid) 7.2 - 7.8

When the results of analysis of sperm from the husband brbeda above, the result of abnormal sperm can be said. For that a survey can proceed with further including:
1. Be exposed if there is history with a high temperature, chemicals or certain drugs.
2. Male genitalia examination, no difference whether the anatomy or function.
3. Testis size assessed, examination skrotum for meihat the varicocel.
4. In the case of azoospermia (no sperm), needs to be dry FSH (follicle stimulation hormone) that if the measure increased> 3-fold, indicating the failure of the testis (the penis).
Men said infertilitas absolute azoospermia when found along with the increase in FSH level.

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