Make sure your child is getting Rubella vaccine (MMR)

Avoid to go out to places that you can not make sure that does not fell ill penghuninya Rubella virus. Avoid also to travel to foreign countries in which many of Rubella virus infected.

Make sure your children also have the other get Rubella vaccine (MMR). Family members also need to have adults involved is that they are immune to Rubella, if not, there is a possibility for them to relate to you.

Head to ask divaksin after birth to prevent the next pregnancy if you have not divaksin. The vaccine is quite safe provided at the time of breastfeeding. Only note that you must, you can not get pregnant again for a month (approximately 28 days) after the vaccine. This is your part to prevent pregnancy at this time.

Rubella virus if exposure occurred in the first four weeks of pregnancy on the mother who has not been immune, can cause infection in the fetus is called Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). Classic sign that arise in the fetus is infected during early pregnancy are cataracts, heart disease, deaf and other symptoms. This is due to occur in early pregnancy establishment organs important for babies.
Factors that determine the level of disability in the infant is at the occurrence of infection exposure. If going on the first 3 months, 50% infected fetus likely follow, but if it happens on the second 3 months, only one per three babies who will likely participate infected.

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