The risk of death, Air fetal blood vessel that entry may lead to sudden death

Sectio caesar action has profit and loss each. Advantages include the birth process takes a shorter time, minimal pain, and does not disrupt or harm the "way of birth".

While the loss of this action can override both the mother and the baby dikandungnya. Loss that can befall the mother include:
1. Mortality risk four times greater than normal childbirth.

2. Blood is issued twice as compared to normal childbirth.

3. Pain and wound healing pascaoperasi longer than normal childbirth.

4. Stitches used operating risk infection because the stitches flake and can not process keringnya evenly.

5. Perlekatan organ part in the blood stain is not clean.

6. Pregnancy limited two years after the operation.

7. Must dicaesar again when the second and so forth.

8. Vein and bladder have a scalpel.

9. Water entering fetal blood vessel that can lead to sudden death when the reach the lungs and heart.

While the losses that can befall a baby include:
1. The risk of death 2-3 times bigger than the baby is born through the normal process of childbirth.

2. Tend to experience shortness of breath because of fluid in the tuberculosis-parunya does not exit. In the baby, who was born normal, the fluid pressure occurs when the exit.

3. Often headed for prophylactic pain medication is given to the mother about the baby.

See the risks described above, will be more prudent for a mother choose not to take action if the operation can be a natural birth, just because it is concerned will be sick when the birth process. Please note that sectio caesar action must be the last choice in the birth process to be conducted. Early and regular inspections in the period of pregnancy will be very helpful in preparing for the birth process in a safe and comfortable for the mother.

Basic Skills Obstetri Ginekologi.
Bagian Obstetri gynecology Faculty of Medicine,
Unika Atmajaya Jakarta

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