There are some scientific method of which we able to apply to get gender child of matching with the one which we wish

Many myths about sex and pregnancy growing in public and even often is considered to be truth. Because assumed [by] correctness hence sexual behaviour also is influenced and follows wrong information as according to the myth.
One of myth that is often circulates is hooking;correlating position of the relation of sexual with baby gender which will be borne. It is said if position of boy when doing the relation of sexual started from left and terminated on the right, hence men baby which will be borne.
On the contrary, if(when the relation of sexual started from right side and terminated in left side, hence woman baby which will be borne.
Of course this wrong information and not true. Still many other myths, for example first chlid gender depend on who is fall in love in advance.
If(when the father who ahead haved a crush on mother hence the couple will be bestowed boy. The myth is heard funny, but that is myths growing about way of getting chlid with gender which we wish. Actually which very determines in determination of gender child of is sperm from man. Man sperm contains X chromosome and Y chromosome, while woman egg cell only contain chromosome X. So get boy, required X chromosome couple and Y, while to get daughter is required [by] X chromosome and X.

bigger fairish X Sperm and has longer life energy?power ( 5-6 days), but peripatetic farther out. While smaller fairish Y sperm, quicker died, but runs rings round. So basically, to get daughter does position of coitus which can slow down sperm to step into womb and egg channel while to get boy, coitus is pointed that penis to reach vagina fully where the position can quicken the entry of sperm into vagina, womb, and egg channel so that sperm Y will pass sour area in vagina and earns quickly reachs egg cell. It is important to know, some researchs indicates that birth of child of with men gender has higher level possibility, that is reaching 51%.

There are some scientific method of which we able to apply to get gender child of matching with the one which we wish.

The theory Akihito
This theory affirms at when time to correlate sexual. Result of research shows each chromosome to have character x'self. Sperm Y is in the form of orbicular, its(the size is smaller or around one-third X chromosome, shines light, the way quicker, and its(the age is shorter and unable to hold up in situation of acid.
While sperm X its(the size is bigger, runs lag, its form longer, and can live on longer and more resistantly is situation of acid.
From the data can be concluded if we like to obtains boy hence intimate relationship must be done justs or soon after happened ovulation ( when its(the exit egg cell from ovary or a period of fertility). That way, sperm Y is coming into womb to earn direct fruit of egg cell.
While to get daughter, intimate relationship better be done before ovulation happened. For example, ovulation is estimated happened on 10. Therefore, intimate relationship better be done 3 day before, so that at the time of ovulation happened remains sperm X which above the ground and fruit of egg cell. This method of course impractical because soybean cake couple must when precise takes place it ovulation. Though to know the matter a woman must measure its(the body temperature during 3 month of successively.
Its(the measurement process is also may not be wrong, namely by putting down special thermometer in orifice every morning before alighting from bed. Result of the measurement registered in a tables.
If(when one day, body temperature shows improvement, means when that is ovulation is happened.

Unhappily, for woman which its(the menstruation cycle is not regular, this thing of course difficult to be done. Accuracy of this method also low because leting however we don't know is sperm X or Y which is success fruit of egg cell. Besides medical way is upper, there are some practical way believed able to make couple to obtain chlid with gender which in craving.

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