Delirium, syndrome, cognitive, nervous system, systemic, intoxication, or even drop out drug reaction toxic substances

Delirium is a syndrome with the main symptoms of the disorder usually appear kedasaran in the form of constraints on cognitive function. Delirium has several causes. Everything has a pattern similar symptoms associated with the level of consciousness and cognitive pendeita. The main cause is from the central nervous system diseases, systemic disease, intoxication, or even drop out drug reaction toxic substances.

While several factors influence the occurrence of this disease, among others; age, history of delirium in the family, alcohol dependence, diabetes, cancer, sensory disturbances, or malnutrition. People with this disease picture can vary highly depending on the individual. But for sure that the patient mengalamin memory loss and cognitive.

The symptoms are: People with mental disorders typically show signs such as drowsiness, mistaken understanding of time, space and people, have no orientation.

Simple maintenance should be done to restore the mental patient is to give them the attention of people around. Also need to take the patient to a mental hospital.

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