Pennsylvania, USA, Dr. Michael Crigliano in his research to find the sex is one form of exercise

Sex is often associated with sexual intercourse alone. In meditation book written sex Putranto Djoko, one master reiki and meditation experts reveal sex, that a medical expert from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, Dr. Michael Crigliano in research to find the sex is a form of exercise.

Dilakuan sex every day can improve and maintain health. Physical changes that occur in the body while having sex is equivalent to the normal sports movement. Motion because the body requires a high level of adjustment. Every part of the body when not in use will weaken and eventually do not work because they then do we need sports to move your body to function properly.

Further to say that sex is a powerful drug depression. A psychologist and sex expert, Dr. Alice Landing in his research that when having sex, our bodies produce the hormone to the brain that can ease the tension. These included psychologist Sigmund Freud argued that the sex life due to unhealthy include no or poorly functioning sex. It became the main cause mental illness that eventually would spread to the physical body.

The higher the frequency of sex, the higher capacity and more healthy sexual person, "says Dr. Susan Rako, a Seksologi in his book, the hormone of desire. Furthermore, Dr. Susan says that the more frequent sex is, the higher the production of the hormone testosterone.

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