Sepertipropil allyl disulphide ( APDS) and flavonoids, quercetin.

Shallots interest taste has amaryllis family ( Liliacae) where onion, garlic and leek presents. That classified as Allium cepa various aggregatum . Shallots haves the character of smaller and sweeter compared to onion and like garlic which its(the bohlam/gelembung divides into double parts . That digests is better compared to onion when raw eaten. Bohlam/gelembung-bohlam/gelembung pulled about tanah(landasan and leaves permitted to dry. Vegetable mayur above tanah(landasan known as scallion applied as cresss as well as because cooking. Shallots is one perfect sources from ascorbic acid, potassium, fiber hits dg order to eat and folic acid. That also contains calcium, besi/ iron and has a quality of high protein.

Over there has bundle from research and studys about usage from shallots for condition of healths. different Analysis and studys has found that shallots contains two sets from mixtures - brimstone mixtures, sepertipropil allyl disulphide ( APDS) and flavonoids, like quercetin. consumption of Flavonoid have been attributed to a risk lessened from cancer, disease [ hati/jantung] and diabetes because they are anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory.

Newest studys has shown potential health benefits from common onions and builds that shallots particularly effective fights against to liver cancer cells. Shallots has six times contents of phenolic compared to onions. Shallots assists liver to abolish toxins from body and has saponins to hinder and kills cancer cells.

Shallots in detail incircuit with pursuing man stomach cancer. Shallots yields one anticoagulants that anti strong on display blood thins and goods platelet activity and is hardly either due patients having disease atherosclerotic which is symptom, cardiovascular disease, attack [ hati/jantung] and blow. That assists function of brain and like that protects fights against to Alzheimer's disease. Shallots can reduce blood sugar to measure in people with diabetes with prevention, penurunan(pangkat,derajad) insulin and increases metabolism from glucose. Eats shallots everyday helps in growth from jaringan/tisu bone and lessens risk about developing osteoporosis by 20%. Contains Prostaglandin A-1, an agent is tough which can reduce blood pressure. Contents of brimstone in shallots makes skin to see more young. Everyday input a shallot small benefit would in run which panjang(lama. Shallots earns is raw ness eaten or cooks finite of they have the character of offer.

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