Estrogen, biology, cervical dysplasia, a genetic

Biological perspective, bearing children / firm can be considered the most important reason for the existence of women. To that means, the same can be said about the people, for both sex-sex is, in effect, that packaging is available / can be sold from the genetic material. We die, but our genes (we continue on with the eternal.

With increasing population pressure and the independent lifestyle of modern (not like the family farm where the kids almost a necessity), procreation has become an increasing option to decline or at least purposefully limited. But with different women this option to take themselves out of a natural biological role (wajar. Moreover, [treated / treat] the chest as an ornament rather than an organ of the body feeding, by choosing to formulations the synthetic-also drew women from a natural biological function (wajar.

When these choices combined with the use of hormones contraceptives, hormone replacement medicine, an increasing load of estrogenic pollutants-pollutants in the environment and food, and a diet that has steadily turned from its natural design (natural, formulation for the hurly burly of the hormonal, metabolic disorders of bodily functions, and disease in the place. The result is early menses in children, infertility / infertility, menstrual cycles erratic and unusual, cervical dysplasia (bhb.dg.tengkuk) , fibroids, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, premenstrual syndrome, dramatic mood swings and pressure, osteoporosis, and other symptoms of menopause is not unusual: the lightning-flash of heat, psychological problems, a reduced libido, and dilutions of the vaginal wall.

This is a difficult problem with no easy solution. If the women would have many children as they are capable of, [care / nursing] them for years as they were designed to, eat natural foods (natural and living (living in a more pure environment, most of these modern health problems would disappear.

If money flows out of our tap (we are we will not have economic problems as well, right?

The desire to limit families may soon not even a single option. Either we limit population growth or we will saw through the branch we are all sitting on. Population is the engine that ultimately guide all environmental adversity. We stayed (lived on a finite planet with limited resources, but we have an unlimited ability to breed. We either live (living within the limits of resources may be Earth or we will destroy ourselves . have allowed children a healthy and natural processes (natural, but can be a deadly game to life on Earth can.

So we have a puzzle. The women need to fulfill their roles in reproductive biology to achieve balance and metabolic health, but if they really are the unlimited, the health of life on Earth is endangered.

In an attempt to solve this dilemma, the women's play; change to the rapidly determine / improve about synthetic hormones with regard to pharmaceuticals. Hormones that control conception, hormones that control cycles are not regular menstruation, and the hormones that determine / improve menopause. That is a very simple solution to (on a complex problem.

As I said, "Do not eat with Mother Nature" is particularly applicable when dosing the body with hormones. Since the 1940's when the science of estrogen treatment became popular, hundreds of thousands of women have succumb to cancer. For example, a woman is almost 13 times more likely to get endometrial cancer, and at nearly a 30% increased risk of breast cancer when she takes estrogen. Recently, researchers have recognized the two heads of breast cancer can be prevented to take risks: oral birth control medicine replacement pills and estrogen.

For that which justifies the use of estrogen for the benefits of reduced risk of osteoporosis and diseases cardiovasculer, consider; consider that proper exercise, dietary choices and lifestyles can have the same beneficial effects without the potential consequences of cancer.

How has the women in detail to put themselves out of their natural context (reasonable to make them more susceptible to cancer?

The average mom gives birth to two babies. Although this is an intelligent number from the standpoint of population control, it is not unnatural in that by not continuing to have pregnancies and to nurse (which stops ovulation, ovulation) she will ovulate a 438 times does not make sense for a lifetime him.

On the other hand, a woman in a natural setting (normal primitive may not even know what causes pregnancy or how to prevent it even if they wanted to, would have started menstruating and ovulating at age twelve and would have [sent / take] nine breastfed infants and their (in) over the course of her reproductive career. Breast-feeding can continue for children in a totally natural setting (normal for up to five or more years of age. The combination of pregnancy along with the provision of breast feed in the premodern setting would have reduced the number of ovulation, ovulation that a primitive mother would have had to about nine.
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