Free Download Film Get Merried

Get Married film lifting life of 4 youngster which mangakui x'self as youngster very frustration se-Indonesia. Mae ( played the part of Nirina Zubir) his(its the biggest obsession is becoming a police woman but exactly by its(the parent put into academy secretary and titled of master. Eman ( played the part of Aming) what wish to devoted x'self in politics world, and becomes real politician, instead is put into pesantren by its(the old fellow. Unlucky youngster hereinafter is Beni ( played the part of Ringgo Agus Rahman) what is ambitious become boxer but going to school agriculture. While Guntoro ( played the part of Desta Clubeighties) the always thinks about becoming a seaman and travel around the world can, instead dealing with computer, s(he follows computer courses. So they are young children which frustration filling days they by playing at gaple with in a gubug in boundary times.

Just abrupt there are awareness at old fellow Mae ( played the part of Jaja Mihardja and Meriam Bellina), that every man must multiply. While the only router which they had only Mae. But Mae which is boyish which have never taken care of x'self as real woman, untouchable of cosmetic aka shall not be peeped at man, either man one kampongs or from outside. And more his(its hardly is again every day of s(he interacted with three ill defined young mens and at any times can bother safety of near by man to [him].

Finally Mae also is looked for couple outside kampong. At haphazard simply enthusiastic, only youngster that is only motorized parroting. Whereas appetite Mae very height. Wish to have husband who flossy and is gallant. Terbesit desire to be made a match with a sportsman is having body joint. But unhappily Mae remain to be just refuses, and finally third its(the friend intervenes to begone the this joint man. Until finally emerges the prince, Rendy ( played the part of Richard Kevin) a rich and handsome young man capable to make Mae to have a crush on first opinion?sight, Rendy which no other is Bos from the Bodyguard which applied for Mae.

Not different with Mae, Rendy also medium in pursuing by its(the Mama for soon looks for wife. Rendy is being looks for on unique girl, different with uniform other girls, also goal fall at Mae. But act of third of its(the friend, Eman, Beni, and Guntoro, which has not ready to apart with Mae to make the happy days before very eyes shot to pieces Mae.

Ma Mardi, mother Mae, falls sick because thinking of its(the chlid which do not also having couple. If(when s(he is dead and unmarried Mae hence s(he menaces will become spectre. Mae also panic and tries to save its(the mother soul.

Because didn't know must married with whom hence the candidate only three the friends. For Eman, Beni, and Guntoro, this very irritates. But finally they realize this is friendship test for they.

Three this man also negotiates in pride shack they and specifies who'll to become associate Mae. Consultation is determined with suit, is failing and becoming bridegroom is Guntoro, but a few days nearing nuptials of just abrupt of Guntoro pain. Consultation returns to done and fall choice at Eman. As of tone with Guntoro, Eman also pain abrupt. Remains Ben is remaining. Will Ben do not willing to becoming associate Mae.

Nuptials party also is performed, but from outside party doesn't receive Mae grabbed by Ben. Rendy brings its(the Harley team invading kampong Mae and happened tawuran uncontrollably.

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