lung cancer. monoxide from cigarette smoke began to transport oxygen well

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Women three times more likely to develop lung cancer then men. Cancer has now replaced heart disease as the number one killer of Americans aged 85 and younger. 1 / 3 of all cancer deaths associated with smoking.

The number of smokers between 1965 and 2000, F 22% of American adults still smoke. The good news is that surveys have shown that 70% F active smokers want to quit.

Blood cells that carry carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke began to transport healthy oxygen. Although not stopped completely eliminate the risk of lung cancer develops, the risk of lung cancer began to decline. One year after quitting smoking may have a heart attack falls by half. The risk of lung cancer continues to decline and drop dramatically five to ten years after quitting. So we know that quitting is important to enjoy a long and healthy life. The question is how do you choose the right way to quit smoking for you?

All you need to know is that most smokers quit failed several times before they quit for good. You probably will not succeed the first time around you - but you have to keep trying! Every time you try to stop you approach finally stopped for good.

There are many organizations available to help you control your health and stop smoking. Most smokers find that the success rate is greater in the group. SmokEnders organizations as community-based seminars, and will come into the workplace to counsel smokers. SmokEnders is gradually stop smoking program that says success is based on the physical care and psychological aspects of smoking. They offer unlimited toll-free telephone counseling.

Some people choose to try to stop cold turkey. They stop smoking completely with little or no reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoke before. Just as smokers who quit, the people who quit cold turkey will experience withdrawal symptoms of irritability, increased appetite and restlessness. For someone who tries to quit smoking cold turkey help can be obtained by using drugs such as Zyban to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Zyban can be obtained only by prescription.

Some smokers obtain relief from smoking withdrawal with the nicotine replacement is generally known as the nicotine patch. Patch is used for up to eight weeks. Nicotine patches are available on the table. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before trying any kind of nicotine replacement therapy table.

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