Pasha ‘ Purple ' crybaby!

This is news soybean cake not actually or cuman lie news. He/she said sih, now the Pasha Ungu pain, hence, s(he is not become coming fulfills invitation of party(side is having mandatory for inspection of Case KDRT ( Hardness In Rumattangga) which s(he does to former its(the wife, the Okie.

Its(the kayak sih, the Pasha stres tuh, karna people say, Senin(23/11), s(he ought to start admission bui. Odd yes Jeng, its(the kayak the him(her dah pinter banget nyiksa its(the wife, but fit will be served a sentence, we are new known if him(her tuh cemen. He he he...!

“ Condition Of Pasha again down, pain. Last of I phoned is two-day then, its(the voice is really raucous medium, hard,” says power of attorney Pasha, Michael Pardede.

But is affirmed Michael, Pasha actually do not want to procrastinate law process that is shall is experienced it.

“ Better quicker. But if pain yes sure not come,” adds it. Promise yes Bu?!

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