Triponema pallidum bacterial infection (vagina and tools Vital)

Swelling of lymph nodes is a symptom of a bacterial infection of the genitals that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. There are three stages of syphilis infection, Stage I begin several weeks after and lasts 3-5 weeks; Stage II occur 8 weeks after infection and lasts approximately 2 years; Stage III comes after 3 years and last for years.

Stage One
* Boils are not sick (kankre) on the penis or around / in the vagina that will heal itself within a few weeks.

Second stage (approximately 2 months after infection)
* The rash does not itch all over body
* A set of thrush in the mouth
* Low-grade fever, sore throat
* Bald spots
* Swollen lymph nodes.

Third stage (several months / years after infection)
* Damage to the heart / aorta
* Damage to the bones or joints
* Mental disorders associated with paralysis.

* Triponema pallidum bacterial infection transmitted through sexual contact, a kiss when there is injury dimulut and congenital syphilis if the woman who gave birth to syphilis infection.

* Check your doctor
* Encourage your spouse together treatment
* Not engage in intercourse until doctors declared cured.

* Checking blood / fluid genital
* Treat with antibiotics.

* Relations agency with spouse only
* Use latex condoms if sexually but wants child
* Avoid intercourse with alternating pairs
* Avoid contact with ready only when the tool is genitalnya discharge, sores and swollen genitalnya tool in groin.

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