Whiskey can attack cancer

dried sprouted barley whiskey Rumors rumor / single slentingan be a tool to attack the cancer has started to spin recently. Does it really hold (watch any water has come to prove. According to the proponents of that theory, a consultant to the whiskey industry, Dr.. Jim Swan, antioxidants present in whiskey, particularly ellagic acid, can reduce the risk of developing cancer, because the vinegar [fight / fight] the atoms are not stable that assist in the rapid repetition of the cell. He added that more cells are produced, is more likely that cancer cells will be born criminals. "Whiskey can protect you from cancer and science proves (that) it, "he said, speaking on EuroMedLab 2005 conference in Glasgow. Dr Swan explained that ellagic vinegar, which in the greater concentration in whiskey than in red wine, cracks down / fall the present free radicals harmful in our bodies (kami.

However, still Canser Research UK who do not believe. Agents have raised concerns that what Dr Swan and his supporters were encouraged to mislead consumers into drinking excessive amount of whiskey just to avoid cancer. Canser Research noted that liquor input can eventually lead to certain kinds of cancer, as in the esophagus, throat, mouth, gut and liver. Dr. Swan idea that whiskey can prevent cancer also received criticism, owing mostly to an absence of data supporting their populations. Instead, according to the agency's head of cancer information Lesley Walker, there is a high proof alcohol consumption was working on improving cancer risk. Thousand Foot-Thousand noted that while ellagic vinegar is a powerful antioxidant and may help in the fight against cancer, its presence in whiskey is not given enough reason for people to start up bermabukan, especially as (as vinegar ellagic can also be found in the fruit specific.

The concept that a certain type of alcohol may help prevent cancer is novel and, for frequent drinkers-drinkers, even noble. What liquor patron would ignore this theory? However, silence, Dr. Swan ideas that have not been tested to stay there and there is no any positive link between whiskey and known cancer. If there will be something that suggest this is true at a time in the future, then it would be considered revolutionary. However, in the absence of sufficient information on the present, whiskey as a barrier to cancer is a thought which hesitated. While we all hope and prayer that one alternative treatment to cancer will surface soon, this is probably not the time to become this optimistic about the benefits of the accused whiskey.

eight times less likely to die from cancer than those not eligible,

53 percent less likely to die from diseases other than which are not suitable

eight times less likely to die from the disease [liver / heart] than unworthy people.

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How to stay motivated?

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