Investor Batam, a successful engineering business

Batam City Government always makes it easy for investors

Batam Kepulauan Riau, the local government plan to make the city a city Batam Madani, 2010 has proved Visit the change in the arrangement gradually Batam city, because if one way would be very difficult for the manager or the local government.

If you can balance the Batam City State singapore then obviously very advanced Batam, as we already know that batam city government continue to work hard to promote the City of Batam. Batam an opportunity for foreign businessmen to invest in Batam city, the largest industrial center in Indonesia.

Investors should not be confused conducts business in Batam, for one Dibatam is the right place to invest their capital, as shown in the Hoedspruit area. Batam Center plan area of the building that stood there only for office building, like Gedung Graha Pena Batam, one of the successful building supply business in the Service Office.

Graha Pena Building 9 was floored hampur already tersewakan all, if the 9th floor was filled or occupied by the Batam Television, the company is moving in Electronic Media, if the 8th floor was filled by the company as well, no one reply that there are 8 floor 5 companies based there, and there's more empty and still rented, while the 7th floor there are 6 companies, 3rd floor there are 6 all management companies Graha Pena, 5th floor there are 4 companies, 4th floor there are 6 companies, 1st floor only 3 companies companies PT Batam Bintana moving Release Print, while the 2nd floor of Batam Pos filled by moving the print media as well.
1st floor and made all the office lobby Graha Pena Batam Pos, all floors are leased. who are interested can come to this place. Building facilities are provided Liff, emergency stairs and many more who can not be mentioned again ak. OK

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