Make your selection by female breast

Forms of breast, breasts, women, breast

A unique study conducted by sexologists from Italy, Piero Lorenzoni.
According to the form of women's breasts can determine his personality.
Piero's personality categorize women according to breast shape.
Following categories:

Melon-shaped breasts:
Usually women with breast shape melon resembles a motherly personality. He was also pleased to be admired and wise.

Shaped breasts Oval:
Women with oval shape resembles a pineapple breasts is usually smart.
They are the type of career woman but very romantic.
These women are also loyal, who can win their hearts, usually will undergo a serious relationship.

Shaped breasts Grapefruit (Citrus Bali):
Breast forms such as grapefruit characterize shy woman, but when dealing with a partner he turned into a woman erotic and capable of satisfying.

Small Breast forms:
Those who have small breasts are cute personality. They can entertain people around and very smart. They can make their partner feel happy all the time.

Shaped breasts
Breast forms such as a personal characteristic of pear fruit loving woman.
He can be very religious, but on the other hand, this type of women also know the right time for an affair.

Well, for those of you who do not have a spouse and have not been, perhaps writing the above can help you. Thanks
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