Maternity Benefits In Water there, and there's no downside risk

After I read this article I could only infer. So I suggest to you do not carelessly, you can learn once you understand your first and draw conclusions. If benefits were higher than the risk you can go on, but when the greatest risk then you should not do.

Delivery method in water or a water birth and becoming increasingly popular trend of labor. Many who felt the benefits. In addition to reducing pain, childbirth in the pool of warm water also makes the pregnant women have more power to push.

As quoted from, some research even claims that this method of giving birth in water is also beneficial for the baby to be born.

International water birth based reports, this method requires a special maternity pool containing water with a temperature of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. It is strongly recommended to avoid the use of bathtubs or swimming a small child, because it is difficult to maintain the right temperature.

Here are some things you need to know about water birth.


Water birth helps pregnant women feel more relaxed so it can reduce pain during childbirth. In water depth, the skin will have a greater elasticity, thus minimizing the risk of tearing a baby in the birth canal.

Giving birth in water is also beneficial for babies. Water medium baby ease the transition from the womb, contains amniotic fluid, to the outside world. Supporters of this technique say that birth in the water harmless. The baby will breathe in the water, because he will not start using his lungs until he was taken to the air in the first 10 seconds after birth.


An investigation revealed concerns that the medium of water will make the umbilical cord becomes tangled or compressed, so that the baby likely akanterengah breath and suck water into their lungs.

A 2002 study published in the medical journal Pediatrics, also concluded that birth in water increases the risk of infant drowning.

Live Science site adds that the birth in water is not recommended by the American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists as a feasible option childbirth. Birth in water is feared to trigger the risk of pneumonia or infection of the brain, and oxygen kekuarangan attacks.


Women with certain medical conditions or pregnancy should avoid doing complicated process of giving birth in water. Including women with herpes, high blood pressure, women who have experienced unexpected bleeding during the course of pregnancy, women who are pregnant twins, and when the baby is in breech position. Giving birth in water is also not recommended for women who go into preterm labor. (Pet) 

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