Falling into the abyss, motor and boyfriend missing

BATAM, BN: Luke (40) immediately help Educate (30), when he saw the man bleeding on the hillside around Tanjungpinggir Sekupang, Thursday (1 / 1) at around 11:00 pm. Students had an accident while trying to celebrate the new year and passed out, even a female friend that he had brought his motorcycle was also missing.

     According to Luke on the journalist, he found when he was about to find pelanduk Educate in the woods around Tanjungpinggir. "I think he's crazy, but after I approached, his face and his body was bleeding, he said he was victim of an accident," he said in Mapolsekta Sekupang.

     Meanwhile, according to Educate, on Wednesday night (31/12) at around 23:00 pm, he wanted to celebrate the new year at the beach together Tanjungpinggir Suhaya girlfriend. But when almost at their destination, all of a sudden Honda Fit-X diserempet driving another motorcycle drove from the back, as a result he lost control and nyungsep into the ravine next to the road.

"After that I do not remember anything, I realize it's clear, and was in the bush," he said.

       He also revealed, when he realized he could not find a motorcycle and a female friend that she was carrying. Even hundreds of thousands of wallets containing money and two mobile phone units which are also missing his pants pocket without a trace.

     He was assisted by Luke, and transported to the police report Sekupang. But because the lacquer case then, the police directed to report to the unit then Poltabes Barelang laka.

But then he revealed, to go to his home in Green Land Batamcentre and was treated before she reported the incident to the unit then Poltabes Barelang laka. Until this story was written, women friends and motorcycles owned by Educate has not been found. (Hnr)

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