Got PIL wife, husband sued Divorced

Sekupang, BN: Sahir (not her real name) is very upset knowing that his wife works suddenly filed for divorce to the religious court (PA) Batam. The man did not stay silent, he intended to sue his wife back.

   As said Sahir, his wife's divorce suit was made after the money his company sold out. "I also want to sue him as well, the company's money taken away," he said.

   During this time, the financial affairs of the company is held by his wife. But, lately, the financial statements of the company never received. Instead, before any financial responsibility report about it, the wife sued for divorce. And so far, he and his wife looked along, without any problems.

   Sahir was more emotional, tat kala know if she has another dream man (PIL). The affair was learned after the case was raised. "My wife was having an affair, but I who sued (divorce)," Sahir said.

   Two children this man again questioned the company who brought his wife's finances. "I will sue the company's money back and also he is brought," he said again.

   According to Sahir, his wife filed for divorce with the allegations, he never gave a living. "I am accused of not giving him a living," he said as he walked away. (Waw)
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