Model Contest Follow the 2010 Islamic Clothing

Currently posmetro one leading print media are having a contest batam Muslim Clothing Model 2010 in Stone Mall Partners Aji Batam Riau Islands.

Competition this model in the Muslim Clothing for the female students dedicated student, not mentioned here for Muslims, but can also to non-Muslims (non-Muslims). So if you feel confident to perform in a show of confidence quickly you must register now before registration closed.

The main prize in lombakan quite interesting, because there is one motor for the first winner, and many other prizes. Determination of winners there are several categories of assessment, namely:
- Assessment of options newspaper readers through polls posmetro
- Assessment of jury selection through the performance of participants
- Assessment of jury selection through the insights of participants
It was the most predominantly.

Conditions for the race Muslim fashion model in 2010 is as follows:
- Must be female students of junior or high school equivalent
- Providing the latest photo of Close Up 2 pieces
- Provide the participants personal biodata
- Must be domiciled in the Riau Islands (Batam, Bintan, Karimun, Linga, Natuna, Rear Padang and surrounding)
- Willing to follow the stages of the election.

You do not have to worry for supporters of your hero, because posmetro itself gives gifts to the supporters of that model. Prizes are quite interesting, because there Refrigerator, TV, DVD, Gas Stove, and much more.

Do not you miss this opportunity, prey to the list: Graha Pena Batam Building, Level 3 Posmetro. Jalan Raya Batam, Batam Centre - Indonesia (In mbak Elin), or can also contact the mob. 0813 72863566 (Daulay). (DLY)

Here are the participants Muslim fashion model contest in 2010, who have registered.

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