Palm and Rubber become the most profitable Business

Rubber and palm into a business's most reliable and most lucrative and also the greatest value of the benefits.

The problem of the toke palm and rubber in Bungo district, Jambi, reportedly reluctant to pay a levy that affects local revenue (PAD) of the two products of the plantation commodities. "They (the toke) often do not want to pay and often blurred as it passes through the postal charges," said postal worker levy on PT Jambi Sane Rico, yesterday.
Yes ... hopefully the big toke toke-palm and rubber are no longer doing similar things like the above before, so that revenue can meningkan, if regional income increases, the government also will pay attention to the region itself, they must have tried so how can the area be developed, of course.

Based on observations at a number of post office Bungo District Forestry and Plantation is located in several companies, many vehicles pass through the post that carries and sells rubber and palm oil do not pay the levy. The same thing is said to guard the post retribution.

Babeko engaged in oil. It is said, every truck that came with the palm of Rp5.000 levy charged per ton. "But most of the trucks that carry oil from the region through the postal Bungo they often do not want to pay the levy," the officer said on condition of anonymity.

The officer admitted that he had tried to help local government to find revenue Bungo. Under the regulations, to levy withdrawn rubber Rp10 thousand per ton, and palm Rp5.000 per ton. This rule applies to the rubber that comes from Bungo, while that coming from other areas, basically the officer had no right to withdraw charges because the average entrepreneur has to pay levy on heading out from their respective regions. "For the rubber that comes from outside, we get an average deposit of Rp2.000 permobil. It's only voluntary because there is no obligation," he said.

Head Dishutbun Khairul Saleh said, the withdrawal of levy on PT Jambi Sane, have been the most widely accepted of Rp15 million per month. This figure is still considered very minimal, because the production company is expected to hundreds of tons. "We suspect there is a leak or not interested in retribution of 30-40 percent," he said.

PR PT Jambi Sane Erikson Tambunan said it is ready to help local government to attract this levy. If the officer is a lot of retribution for the threat, it is ready to work together in a way set up a post in the company. "From our first declared unable to pay according to the circular Regents. We're ready to set up a post in the company, supervised by the officer Dishutbun," he said.

PT Jambi Sane been a lot of rubber supplies from the Tebo and West Sumatra. Of the total production, Tebo reached 50 percent, 25 percent of West Sumatra and the rest of Bungo.

If production can be drawn from the Bungo levy the maximum (total), Bungo regency will receive approximately Rp20 million per month.

If this number can be increased, then the income of the more advanced areas, automatic zone are then more attention, a small sample tends to be way in the area must be repaired, so the smooth flow of road users. But if the funds received are minimal local government how to move. Kepad more employers are expected to think ahead, because these for the common good. (Ant / Dly)

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