Porn Site users not be dammed

 Not only adults, even teenagers began hipped open a porn site. Parent role are critical to provide good understanding to their children.

Jakarta, BN: Although the government had bothered to close the access porn sites during Ramadan, but the effort was apparently not entirely successful. Site-Eshek Eshek always hunted. Every day around 3 million Internet users typing the word porn or porn or something.
After the print media group that specializes in genres of porn losing customers dramatically plunging plus DVD sales of porn, porn industry shift its business to an online service. They crowded dormitory-transfer services, internet marketing to be exact.

Community of Internet users around the world spend their money more than U.S. $ 3 every second. Well, this fact was immediately ambushed by industrialist pornography moved his business to a service with a porn site. You can watch live porn video with the star.

Velocity of money in a global pornography business, according to CNBC News, reaching a value of U.S. $ 100 billion, this figure exceeds the turnover of the entertainment industry anywhere in the world.

In America, which became the center of the world's largest pornography industry, every half hour there is a porn film was released. According to the book The World of Porn, around 5000-10000 porn movies released every month from pornographic film production center in San Fernando Valley, California, known as the 'Hollywood of Porn'.

A good porn movie (obviously not good here right criteria, although in this environment there is a kind of competition struggles porn star version of an Oscar) were able to sell around 10 thousand copies in the first month of release. Plus the Hollywood Pop unable to compete despite the industry-Eshek Eshek is in producing the number of films.

Is the company producing or publishing pornographic film company is not serious aka small firms? When your answer is yes, then be prepared to accept the fact that the answer would be wrong. There are at least two explanations.

First, two of the many porn companies are publicly listed company which is listed aliases in the stock market. And capital markets are not capital markets in developing countries, but on Wall Street and Nasdaq (the U.S. electronic stock exchange).

The company is Playboy, the American company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Private Media Group Inc., the Spanish company, which has been listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange since 40 years ago.
Second, companies that pornography has been established since the era of the 60's and still exist to this day. Even Vivid Entertainment, although recently founded in 1984, but has been rapidly expanding its production lines and even so many to dubbed the Microsoft of Porn.

Consumers who, to borrow a marketing term, loyal nan also be faithful in large quantities to make this industry continues to waver. So, it must be difficult to stem the consumer wants to search the site 'Adul Adul-' on the internet. (Int / Amu)

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