Sijorni is the name of a place in the Regency of Padang Lawas - Indonesia, in that place there is a long sumai Sijorni named River, this river is very unique, this river is very crowded by visitors, many also visited by foreign tourists.
This place is usually created as a place to vacation, many of the young children, sijorni River has been famous since the sixties, it's just that this place is lacking in the note by the government. If this place is well laid out, then this will be one opportunity for a well-known tourist attractions.
Actually, also for the business opportunities that serious work on tourism business. "This place is potentially high, because in this place is very unique, the atmosphere is also very impressive.
Come on .... businessmen, make this place become a favorite tourist attractions of the tourists, because this is an opportunity for you. Photo by: Ale S. Simanjuntak