PLN in the Linga One Day one Day Living Dead

Dabo, BN: Branch Manager Dabo diesel units Singkep Andhy successful Prasetiawan ST found in his office some time ago, confirmed that it still will take turns until the engine power outages that are as sharp as Dabo Singkep PLTD in repair, Andhy claimed not to know until when this extinction will occur, but Andhy memakluminya society can hope for.''We are now attempting to repair the engine, hopefully fixes will not last long.''bright Andhy.

   Men from Semarang (Central Java) who previously served in the PLN Dumai add a damaged diesel engines are MTU engine brand or type 1 V200 G 63 1000 power blackout that occurred 700 KW, Andhy added in the presence of such damage, the electricity supply in the region Sub Sub Singkep Singkep and West will experience the constraints that one day the flame of the heart die.''Udah-udahan did not last long because we are trying to find a solution,''he added Andi.

   The existence of extinction in turn was in complaining about the society Dabo Singkep this is because the diesel it shall at least have far-distant days when knowing mesinya preparations damaged, because according to Iwan residents Dabo Singkep engine damage that occurred in Dabo Singkep not only the new times This, even often times at least firmly Iwan in one year could occur four times the damage, Iwan hope the PLN soon find a solution to avoid this protracted.''Cook kok frequently damaged, corrupted or accidentally in rusakin, why the damage was to at predisi month and date,''the light of Iwan. (oni / dly) source:

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