Meteor mistaken

BATAM, BN: Yanestri, bersukur had recently saved from death in front of his eyes. "I just finished drying my clothes," he said in a voice that still gemeteran. Why not, the plane that crashed, fell right behind his house. Result, the back wall of the house and clotheslines her clothes fall apart.

Middle-aged women who live in Puri Mas Residance Housing Block A1 is Number 03, said she heard the sound the plane just above the housing. Soon before going into the house, after hanging clothing, foreign objects fell and hit his house. "I was shocked, I think the bomb, very loud voice, fortunately my heart is strong, if not I could die," he said again. When viewed with the proper distance Yanestri fall one part of the plane was only about three meters.

The same is also disclosed a woman who called Bu Aan, neighbors Yanestri. "I was bent when it is at home. I heard the sound plane. I see no objects fall upward. I think it's a bomb or a comet or meteor that fell, his voice very loud," said the veiled woman was stroking his chest.

"Thank God we are okay, wrote to the damaged house," he said Sukur. The scene immediately reviewed oelh AKP Heryana SE, Kapolsek Batam City. (Qul)

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