Batam IB - This information was obtained earlier singapore aircraft fell in Batam island, Riau, after investigating, it turns out the plane did not fall, but it exploded on the inside and just flakes are falling.
The aircraft can still be rescued by the pilot, until the plane landed back in singapore. Great, "because the pilot can save passengers up to landing." Pilots who like this deserves at ajungkan thumb, because not all pilots could be like this.
Section plane that crashed in the area belong to the Batam Center has been ascertained by Qantas Airlines Airbus A380 which was flying from Singapore. The aircraft is reportedly the plane recently aired.
"The incident began when the aircraft flew from Singapore, suddenly experienced engine trouble while flying over the Riau Islands of Batam. Then the plane engine fell off and exploded in the air," he said.
As a result of this incident, the plane was forced to return to Singapore. "Approximately at 11.00 am, the plane had landed safely in Singapore,". According to information obtained other planes also often pass through the city of Batam. because that Batam is a region that is often crossed by foreign aircraft.
From this information, until now there has been no report of casualties or injuries from the incident, which means that there are passengers on the plane survived, although not until the goal.
According to Sr. Pol Eka Yudha, Kapolresta Berelang Batam, crash debris was estimated to come from the rear of the fuselage, with flakes of about 3-4 meters long. Flakes fuselage was dropped in the area of Batam Center, which is about 15 kilometers from Hang Nadim Airport.
Types of aircraft that were damaged in the air, is a type A Qantas plane Airbush number 380 which was swinging throw fuel to reduce the risk of fire. Meanwhile, aircraft from Singapore to Australia this purpose, is reported to have been successful emergency landing. Until this article is submitted, unknown number of victims who were injured or died.
Events jatuhanya flake this plane, could be a spectacle that shocked local people thought there was a plane crashed and exploded. Such information can be obtained by Ikapalas Batam. (DLY)