Typical Chinese tea with the aroma and freshness Extraordinary

Healthy Living with Pu'er Tea

Batam Business: Starting from the hobby and love of tea, Serlin owner
Pu'er Tea shop is the courage to try his luck in business local specialty tea Yunan, China. And the result is remarkable, stores open at Mall Ground Floor BCS or rather in front of the Bank 's that many consumers visited the tea lovers and those who promote health.
"This tea is efficacious to prevent all kinds of diseases such as preventing cholesterol, improving blood
circulation, kill toxins in your body, prevents stomach ulcers, gout, nourish and smooth the skin, there are many more," said Serlin on POSMETRO.
He explained to get a perfect result from the enjoyment of tea, then consumers should be presenting it in hot conditions.

"If served hot, it smells really should, it was also so good and refreshing to the throat and mouth," he added.

This tea also has the flavor and aroma are more comfortable if didimpan in a long time. "Unlike other tea-tea, if stored longer become stale, but if Pu'er Tea, the longer it is stored then it seems it will be more delicious, fresh scent is also increasing," he said.
In addition to selling tea, Pu'er Tea Shop also provides a variety of accessories and tea making equipment, ranging from bowls, cups, pitchers, teapots, bowls, and other.

"All the tea-making equipment was made of clay, so it is very natural. For those of you who want to taste all the flavor of tea, Serlin invite for a visit to his shop." No need to pay, we love free until her thirst is lost, "Serlin lid with a smile. For more information, you can contact the phone number 0778-7077276. (mb4/one)

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