Batam Night

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Seconds Valentine Jurassic
Jurrasik Pub, Enliven Night Valentin Day
In order to welcome visitbatam 2010
WR owner of The Law of origin Batam Madiun

Banana Sambal Roa in the peak Pujasera
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Piton snake 7 Meter arrested Citizen
Suspected as Penyempurna Black Science
Broti Beaten, Blood Out
Adi Purwanto Two convicted Year
Genitalia infants 3 Year "In hisap"
Penggusuran Basecamp


Technology & Education

"Consumption of Children's Television Broadcast, Internet, Cellular Telephone and should be reduced"

"General Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) Seto Mulyadi ask the parents to reduce children's habits watching television, internet access and mobile phone use." (Saturday, February 21, 2009)

We at E-Pendidikan.Com continuously asked "Are there any new information in the field of technology & education?"

Actually there is. Technology now make some new threat to the "sons of the nation's brightest."

* Many students are regular cast too much time playing games, such as Play Station and Games Online. This time should be used to increase the capacity of schools repeat the lesson. For students or parents who are very responsible we need to restrict or monitor the time our children play games or access the Internet.

Remember that playing games can only prepare our children for the department of unemployment!
* Too many students have also started to spend more time on Internet sites in the entertainment (or search for a mate), such as Facebook, Friendster and Yahoo Messenger in which they spend time, which is not very productive, and the need is limited. If we diligently around the cafe after school hours we can see that most students are busy with the chat and e-mail (the association).

This is also good for those who participate in unemployment only hope!
* More than 90% material and information quality, which can expand and open mind and creativity our children on the Internet in English (the international language). Internet as a source of information would be very limited for our children because the material and information quality in Indonesia is very small. In fact there are many issues that are far more important. For example!

Better use their time to learn English so they can participate in the global world, eh? Opened the door and throughout the world.
Information and learning materials are most appropriate and in accordance with the needs of students they would receive in school by teachers. Sometimes the teacher will add to activities such as research in which students are given the task of seeking information from the Internet. This activity is good and is the focus. Events like this should be carried out outside school hours so that time does not eat in the school that is still very poor.
Do we need education technology to achieve quality teaching / learning?
Technology education that is until now is still very able to help teachers and students in the field is what?
* Usually the most effective technology is the most simple, which invites students in active learning. For example
* All students need to learn computer skills and computer skills as TIK TIK and every so often is the main needs in the field of work. But cangih technology as a medium for delivering education we do not have to!
"I can answer" No "without any hesitation to your basic question 'do we need education technology to achieve quality teaching / learning'" (Totok Amin Soefijanto)
Mr. Totok Amin Soefijanto is Deputy Rector (Vice-Chancellor) for academics and Research at Paramadina University, Jakarta.

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