Jobs Careers

Job Vacancy: In search of a Pasport, to keep the child, 2 jt net salary per month of interest, please contact: Zulkarno (+6598431672) (Sing).
Needed Immediately
1. Cashier 2. ACCOUNTING 3. Waiters
Terms: - Women's (1.2)
- Ber look interesting, honest, skilled
- Workers can be hard work & team
- Age max 25 thn, preferably experienced
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA equivalent
Applications delivered directly to:
House No Pesona Asri. 1-2,
Jl. DI. Panjaitan KM. 8 Tg.pinang
Women's 20-35 Thn
Assistant to the Household
(Malaysia - Singapore)
Quick process, without cost,
Official PJTKI.
Contact the interest:
Hp. 0813 72278855
He needed 100 men were in Malaysia (KL) Building area of work
~ Age 18-40 Th
~ Ijazah / Akte, KTP, KK (expert)
~ Photo 4x6, 2x3 (4 sheets)
~ Medical Data Online
Process quickly, the official guaranteed! The cost will be borne by the PT. and will cut through the salary
Those interested to register immediately: PT.RCI Komp.Ruko Gren Land No.2 block N Batam Center (Bu Lina) HP: 0852 72305757
(Bu Nining) HP: 0852 64214438
limited opportunity

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