Blood cell "phase contrast and dark field microscopy"

Analysis of blood cells (live blood analysis) is a method for analysis of health care a practical, economical, and effective for the state body megetahui by observation "blood cells" with the tool "Phase Contrast and Darkfield Microscopy."

Setetes blood on the finger tips of the hands with a sterile needle and the glass object, and blood cells through a microscope and analyzed the results directly on the screen.

Analysis of blood cells, which give information about the condition of the body through:

• 's adequacy of oxygen, vitamins, water, minerals and other essential nutrients
• The distribution of blood fats (cholesterol, trigliserida)
• The acid-crystal fiber
• Summary fungus / parasite
• pH Balance (acid status basa body)
• hormone
• attacks of free radicals triggered penuaan beginning of illness and degeneratif
• The decline in organ function
• disturbance of blood circulation, digestion, immunity and other body systems
• Liver stress
• Metal Weight
• And others

This is unlike the blood during the test is used in many laboratories. In addition to practical and effective, the process and the results of this check is made to human health, health solutions and offers a comprehensive approach so that it is more pressure on health care costs.

This indeed is the condition of the body ..... practical evidence currently available

Analysis of blood cells with this you can see your own blood cells, you can see how their own white blood cells to the bacteria on the monitor, and other subtansi. You do not have to wait long until a week more to see results, you can view the results and the interpretation of the condition of the body.

In contrast to the conventional analysis of blood (called a CBC = Complete Blood Count), the need to wait some time to get results, while generally on the blood cells die after an hour of time.

By directly and find out the occurrence of direct interaction between practitioners with you, it can immediately dicarikan comprehensive solution on the current state of health permasalah experienced. Everyone should follow ....

Each person should this test, as this indicator is practical and effective health care is at this time. Someone who has been suffering from the disease will also benefit if the test is because they understand how the body condition and how to solve them.

Any person with the disease or condition of health problems following this test should be (not necessarily on this list only):

* Asthma
* Emfisema, paru other conditions
* Sinus, flu and fever
* Easy-infection
* Joint inflammation (arthritis) and other diseases autoimun
* Osteoarthritis
* Rigid body muscles, pain (fibromialgia)
* Adrenal stress
* Addictions drink (alcohol, etc.)
* Poisoned medicine
* Senility (Alzheimer's)
* Cancer
* Candida (fungus, Leavened), keputihan
* Eczema
* Allergies
* Psoriasis
* Cholesterol, trigliserida
* Diabetes (mellitus diebetes)
* Heart disease and hypertension
* Kidney rudiment
* Depression
* Parkinson's disease or other nerve
* Poor concentration, easily forgotten
* Digestive disorders (ulcer, dispepsia, etc.)
* Iritabilitas bowel syndrome, abdominal pain spt, kembung, interference. CHAPTER (irritable bowl syndrome)
* Fatigue
* Taste burnt, hot on the menopause (hot flushes)
* Hormonal imbalance (cyst, myoma, STDs, benjolan chest, etc.)
* Heart problems and gall bladder (perlemakan, gallstones, etc.)
* Leukimia (blood cancer)
* The lack of nutrition or a diet
* Less Energy
* Penuaan top
* Problems tiroid
* Excess body weight, decrease in body weight too quickly
* etc.
Such as whether the condition of the blood? Tahukan you that the red blood cells have a direct connection with the current health status and the future?

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