Fluids, cells, oxygen and oxygen-vitamin, plasma, imunoglobulin, viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells

Blood is a combination of fluid, cells and particles, like the cells in the arterial, capillary and vein; send that oxygen-oxygen and nutrient substances to the network and the results of carbon dioxide and other wastes.

Liquid Component

More than half of the blood is a liquid (plasma), which most of the salt-salt terlarut and protein. Main protein albumin in the plasma is. Protein is an antibody (imunoglobulin) and protein coagulation. Plasma also contains hormones, electrolytes, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins. In addition to the distribution of blood cells, plasma also: - a reserve of water for the body - and prevent mengkerutnya vein tersumbatnya - helps the blood pressure and circulation to the whole body. More importantly, antibodies in the plasma to protect the body against foreign materials (eg viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells), when the protein coagulation control bleeding. In addition to managing and distribution of the hormone effect, the plasma is also cool and warm the body, in accordance with their needs.

Components SEL

1.Sel blutrot (eritrosit). Cells is the comparison with the 2 other cells, which under normal circumstances, to reach almost half of the volume of blood. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, the red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs and mengantarkannya network to the whole body. Oxygen is used to supply energy to the cells, with waste materials such as carbon dioxide, which are transported by red blood cells from the net and back into the lungs.

2. White blood cells (leukosit). The amount is less, with a comparison, about 1 white blood cell count for all 660 red blood cells. There are 5 types of white blood cells that work together to identify the main mechanism of the body against infections, including antibodies.

a) Neutrofil (62%), also known as granulosit contain enzyme with Granule-Granule, height maximum. Neutrofil protect the body against bacteria and fungi infection and foreign substances mencerna remains of inflammation. There are 2 types of neutrofil the tape-shaped neutrofil (imatur, immature) and neutrofil bersegmen (ripe, cooked).

b) Limfosit (30%), have 2 types, namely limfosit T (provides protection against virus infections and find and destroy some cancer cells) and B limfosit
(the antibody producing cells or plasma cells).

c) Monosit (5.3%), mencerna cells that die or are damaged, and offers a variety of organisms imunologis resistance against infections.

d) Eosinofil (2.3%), to kill parasites, destroy cancer cells and play an important role in allergic reactions.

e) Basofil (0.4%), also play a role in allergic reactions.

3. Platelets (trombosit).
Is that particles such as cells, with a size smaller than red blood cells or white blood cells. As part of the protective mechanism of blood to stop bleeding, trombosit collected at the bleeding and the pengaktivan. After pengaktivan, akan trombosit related to clot formation and sumbatan that help the vicinity of blood vessels and stop the bleeding. At the same time, trombosit release materials, which contribute to the freezing.

Red blood cells tend to flow seamlessly into the blood vessels, but not the case with the white blood cells. Many of the white blood cells involved in the wall of blood vessels, or even penetrate the walls to go to another network. If the white blood cells in the area of infection or other problems, it is the material that is more white blood cells.

Function of white blood cell count is like the army in the whole body, but ready to be collected and the various organisms that enter the body.

Red blood cells, white blood cells and trombosit in the bone marrow. In addition limfosit in the lymph gland and spleen, and T limfosit made and matured in the thymus (a small gland near the heart). Only active thymus gland in children and young adults. In bone marrow, blood cells originate from a single type of cells as stem cells. When a stem cell divided, the first form is the red blood cells that are not cooked (imatur), white blood cells or cells which trombosit (megakariosit). Then, when imatur Split cells will mature and eventually become one of the red blood cells, white blood cells or trombosit.

Velocity of the formation of blood cells is in accordance with the needs of the body. If the oxygen content in the network or the number of digits red blood cells decreases, and the kidney akan release eritropoietin (hormone stimulates bone marrow to create more red blood cells). Bone marrow and released more white blood cells in response to infection and trombosit as an answer to the Bleeding

By knowing the size and shape of abnormal blood cells, can help to know the state of our body.

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