The mouth of womb cancer or known by the name of cancer serviks could become the biggest cause of death in women

Keep in mind, the mouth of womb cancer or known by the name of cancer serviks is the biggest cause of death in women in developing countries, and each year about a quarter million women die due to this disease. According to the Ministry of Health estimates, in indonesia at this time there are around 100 cases per 100 thousand population or 200 thousand cases each year. In addition, more than 70 percent of cases that come to the hospital found in the stadium go.

What is the mouth of womb cancer?
The mouth of womb cancer is the growth of cells mouth womb / serviks of abnormal cells in which this change displasia or lead towards violence. Cancer is the only women who had or are now in a sexually active status. Never found a woman who had never had sexual relations do have this cancer. This cancer usually attacks the woman who has aged, most especially in women aged 35-55 years. However, it is not impossible that mudapun women can suffer this disease, have provided that the risk factors.

What are the risk factors that can affect a woman is exposed to this cancer?
The exact cause of the change normal cells into the mouth of the womb as a malignant cell is not known exactly. However, there are several factors that can affect these changes, among others:
1) first sexual relationship at the early age (age <16>
2) often take turns pairing (multipatner sex).
3) infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) types 16 and 18. Research shows that 10-30% of women at the age of 30'an years had suffered from sexually active HPV infections (including infections in the vulva). This percentage is increasing when the woman has many sexual pairings. In most cases, HPV infections progress and no symptoms are settling.
The two factors above are also associated with HPV infection. The dbanyak flit pair then tertularnya HPV infection is also high. Similarly terpaparnya cells of the mouth of the womb have a certain pH with sperm-sperm that have a pH that is different on multipatner can stimulate the change towards displasia.
4) infection Simpleks Herpes Virus (HSV) type 2
5) women who bear children more than 3 times
6) women smoking, as it can lower the body resistance.

How symptoms?
In the pre-cancer or pencakalan before developing into cancer is not found symptoms that means. However, the changes are not visible can be detected early with a pap smear examination looks so akan cells begin to change towards the abnormal.

In the development of the next, if the cells have developed into cancer cells and has begun to infiltrate kedaerah around, the nascent akan symptoms such as:
- Keputihan that is not itchy, brown, red and smelly
- Abnormal bleeding which is bleeding between the two cycles menstruasi, post-menopause bleeding, spontaneous bleeding per vaginam, bleeding per vaginam time defecate, and pain when bersenggama.
- In further stages can be found a decrease in appetite, decrease in body weight, anemia, pelvic pain etc..

How to prevent mouth cancer womb?
How to prevent the most good way is to do pap smear examination in early and frequent, especially for women that age have a high risk of cancer is affected. This is able to detect any deviation so that the case of cell death due to cancer serviks can be derived up to 90%. This test can even be at the Puskesmas. Doctor who will take sapuannya, and then send it to the laboratory.

Technical wipe the can be described as follows: using a spatula or similar fine brush, mucous neck womb taken by the doctor or midwife to be lubricated and difiksasi (dilekatkan) on glass objects. Then, using a microscope, an expert sitologi akan test cells that womb neck. In pre cancer journey and the process requires a long time to become cancer. With this early detection and treatment can be done that early also, so that the level of it can be even higher to 100%. This can be done with the treatment that is effective and adekuat so that they can kill and stop the growth of a start point to the abnormal. Surely it can be optimal if it is still in pre-stage cancer.

Suggestion to conduct this review, namely:
- Every year for women over 35 years berusua
- Every 2-3 years in women over 35 years after 3 times of negative
- Each year for those who have any risk of suffering from this disease
- As often as possible for those who have cancer or pre mederita already ketahap further the cancer.

Adapaun now do a combination of HPV vaccination and screening (examination cancer) that can provide a great benefit in the prevention of this disease. HPV vaccine can be useful and to reduce the incidence of cancer serviks and pre-cancerous conditions, especially in mild cases.

HPV vaccine that consists of 2 types of this in the body can protect against cancer caused by HPV (types 16 and 18). One of the vaccine can help prevent the occurrence of genital wart in the region caused by HPV 6 and 11, and HPV 16 and 18. Benefit has been tested in phase III clinical testing and be realized in the near future. Confidence test results of clinical stage III showed that this vaccine-a vaccine can help prevent infection from HPV types over lesi and prevent pre-cancer in women who have not been previously infected with HPV.

Cancer prevention efforts serviks the other in a way that can be done in order to reduce risk factors such as preventing sexual relationship early on, the number of couples sex, and smoking habits etc.. Prevention aims to eliminate risk sexual behavior that increase the exposure of the human papiloma virus.

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