Hiperemesis gravidarum, as hiperemesis gravidarum. Symptoms of this disease is very varied

Another theory that says the role of allergic reaction network as a response to the mother child the network is regarded as a foreign network. In addition there is also a psychological factor as the factor that berperanan. Such as, household fracture, loss of job, fear of pregnancy akan akan cause internal mental conflict that is not aware of the symptoms of nausea, vomiting aggravate this.

In fact, there is no clear boundary between a reasonable nausea or vomiting with excessive physiological or known with this hiperemesis gravidarum. A common benchmark used is the common people. If the public could participate affected, patients should be suspected as hiperemesis gravidarum. Symptoms of this disease are extremely varied. Following symptoms that can diwaspadai as hiperemesis garvidarum from the light to heavy:
• prolonged vomiting
• feeling weak, appetite decreased body weight down
• pain in the heart Ulu (epigastrium)
• dry tongue, sunken eyes, the amount of urine (urin) reduced
• rapid pulse, blood pressure down
• awareness of the subject decreases ago.

Even if the degree of nausea, vomiting akan different on each person, we must remain menyiasati so that symptoms can be eliminated even diperingan. Following these tips useful for you:

Tips first, the diet pattern. This is quite a lot of help in preventing and overcoming disease. Eat small but frequently, avoid fatty foods and high berprotein, perbanyak drink soda that contains it is intended to reduce stomach acidity, and increase consumption of herbal tea containing ginger or mentol. You can also increase the amount of consumption of food or supplements containing vitamin B1 and B6.

The two tips, it is important for you to avoid the stress, it's good if environmental pressures come, you can insulate themselves first with the right to go outside the room or to the bathroom, so that the pressures that you can easily lalui. There is also a good idea to spend a little time to breathe in the fresh morning air, so that your day better. Next you need to be able to menyakinkan yourself that this feeling of nausea, vomiting akan can you be well. Self-motivation and also with the hope that the grace of God you and your husband will get through after all this. Overall, the role of the nearest very important role, especially her husband, in a comfortable situation and moral support for the mother who mengalaminya.

Very Satisfactory
Gembiranya this news, this time with the handling by both the parties and berkompeten with medikasi the right, this disease has a number of healing is very satisfying. Of course, this is enough to overcome the feeling of fear for you if you need mengalaminya. (Pandu Diputra)

Prawirohardjo, Sarwono, et al. Obstetric science. Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo. Jakarta: 2005.
Widjanarko, Bambang. Basic Science Ginokolgi. Bag. Obstetri gynecology FK Universitas Atma Jaya. Jakarta: 2006.

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