Down syndrome associated with defects in the sperm father, Risk of a miscarriage, premature births, labor process

The risk of chromosome aberration will be increased according to the age of pregnant women, namely:
- At the age of 25 years: 1 between 1200 - 1250 pregnancy.
- At the age of 30 years: 1 of 1000 pregnancies.
- At the age of 35 years: 1 in 400 pregnancies between.
- At the age of 40 years: 1 in 100 pregnancies between.
- At the age of 45 years: 1 in 30 of pregnancy.
- At the age of 49 years: 1 in 10 of pregnancy.

An estimated 25% of cases of Down syndrome associated with defective sperm in the father. By considering that the father also share in the occurrence of insemination, where sperm from the prospective father of old age has long affected the influence of environmental hazards and may also contain genes or chromosome that have been changed or damaged. With the increasing age of the father, then the quality of the sperm is also decreased.

* Miscarriage
Risk of a miscarriage are increased in line with the increasing age of pregnant women:
- Age 20 - 29 years: 10%
- Age 35 - 39 years: 20%
- Age 40 - 44 years: 50%
- Age above 48 years: 84%

* Premature birth, increased by around 40% in mothers above 40 years.
* Babies born dead, three-fold increase in the age above 40 years.
* Maternity large baby (more than 4,000 grams)
* Maternity small baby (less than 2500 grams)

How do I reduce the risk?
So that risk is reduced, there are some things that should be done if the mother's age at first pregnancy vulnerable, namely:

* Consult experts in the pregnancy because the mother is pregnant at the age of vulnerable require special supervision during the early pregnancy and childbirth in the process. We recommend that the mother in medical specialist and not a general doctor or midwife. When the condition is not possible, at least the mother had one or two ¬ time consultation with a specialist doctor to get a special inspection and examination, such as pelvic examination, blood pressure examination and USG.

* The process of change should be done in hospitals that have facilities that meet the standards. The hospital does not have a NICU (neonatal Intensive Care Unit) certainly can not provide sufficient facilities for babies are born premature. While this risk can occur in a pregnant mother in the vulnerable age. Facilities and infrastructure are also useful when both a deviation occurs in the process change, for example, if the mother experienced bleeding by others can be quickly available to the transfusion, so that number could be reduced maternal mortality.

* Make amniosentesis test in early pregnancy for women aged 35 years or more in the first pregnancy to find the possible down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalitas. Aberration can be detected with the screening of blood and early pregnancy in the USG. But detection is only through terakurat or take action amniosentesis example network to be viewed kromosomnya fetus. If the fetus had down syndrome terbukti the doctor can do the counseling, the husband-wife. What will happen, what can be done by a doctor, whether the pregnancy will be forwarded or not. When I forwarded the risks and other. In making a decision, it's good that parents criticize only 10% children with Down syndrome actually retarded and many children like this have the potential to live full, at least, life that is almost optimal.

* Some of the checks that need to be checking them is laboratorum such as blood sugar to detect the possible existence of the disease diabetes mellitus, or maternal blood examination to detect chromosome aberration in the fetus.

* Candidates for the mother should also undergo medical efforts to prevent hypertension and congenital defects. When there are indications such as rubella, vaccination is given at 1-3 months before pregnancy. And no less important is the acid folat. Feed acid folat enough known in pregnant women can reduce the risk of babies born with congenital defects in the brain and spine. Acid folat, said Bambang, awarded since 1 - 3 months before pregnancy until the age of 12 weeks of pregnancy (the fetus forming organs) with a dose of 4 mg / day.

* Conduct training, diet and treatment pralahir can also reduce the risk of pregnancy in older age.

So do not worry for the prospective mother is pregnant at older ages, because with the progress in the medical world is now the risk that there could be reduced so that the prospective mother may also bear a healthy child like other young mothers.

In addition, pregnancies in older age also have some other positive value. In general, half-old mother who have maturity and emotional stability, mental and financial, so that parents can become better. In addition, research also shows that mothers accept this situation and responsibilities as parents and most of them is very happy. (Dewi I. Gracia)


Murkoff, Heidi, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway.2006.Kehamilan: What you encountered per Month Bulan.Jakarta: Arcan.

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