Planning a pregnancy can be done with various methods of contraception, which is as follows

1. Method natural / periodic abstinence / rhytmis
This method does not use the fertile period in the monthly cycle a woman to be sexual, so that pregnancy can be avoided also.
To note is the age of sperm and ovum. Sperm can live in the vagina about 3 days (between 2-7 days) and egg cell / ovum approximately 24 hours. Ovulasi occur 13-15 days before menstruasi or 11-13 days after the last day menstruasi in women with menstrual cycle 28 days. But no safe period of 7 days occurred in ovulasi before and 3 days after ovulasi. Avoid sexual contact during the period unsecure.
The calendar method as above is considered less effective because of the tendency of the calculation error and the menstrual cycle is less regular, then that is considered most effective method pascaovulasi. One of the ways in pascaovulasi method is the method symptothermal:
• mucus and body temperature was measured
• the bottom of the stomach aches specified (symptoms / symptom)
• Use effective: sexual relations can be done on the day-to-4 after the peak mucus thickness, and 3 days after the increase in temperature.
KB natural numbers is a failure in the first year around 20%. With the exact calculation, the failure only 1-9%. This method does not have any side effects but need the cooperation of the pair. This method is not an easy method for women with no regular cycle.

2. Hormonal contraception
Type of contraception is very widely used and highly diverse forms, including tablets / pills, needle drugs, transdermal patches, and transvaginal ring.
Oral contraceptives in the form of a tablet / pill is a combination of estrogen and progestin or progestin only just. The use of tablets depends on conformity with the woman.
There is some suggestion in the use of oral contraceptives:
• drunk every day at a time more or less the same, should be drunk at night to reduce the effects nausea
• When terlewatkan 1 pill, the next day take 2 pills at once.
• When terlewatkan 2 pills, then use other means of prevention (condoms).
• Put the medicine in the packaging, which is always visible.
Rifampisin (antibiotics that are frequently used for TB) may reduce the effectiveness of pills KB.
Transdermal patch has a little over the effectiveness of pills KB. Each transdermal patch is used for 1 week. The patch is used for 3 consecutive days and 1 week free to allow the occurrence of bleeding. Effectiveness is less in women Obesity.
If the transvaginal ring, ring / ring installed in 5 days menstrual period and released after 3 weeks.
Effectiveness of needle drugs have a better than medicine pill. Selection method which is used in compliance with the comfort women.

3. IUD / diaphragm
IUD works by the process implantasi and prevent fertilization. Effectiveness of the use for 1 year with the pill. Effectiveness is also equivalent to sterilization. Figures Levonogestrel device failure is lower than with copper devices.
Levonogestrel devices can reduce the amount of blood and can lower the mens events dismenorrhea (painful menstruation). IUD can be used on people who may not use the pill, for example, in breast cancer patients.
IUD but have side effects, namely: leakage abortus and uterus, uterus cramps and bleeding, menorrhagia, and infection.

4. Mechanical barrier method
Can be either male condoms, female condoms, spermisida, plus spermisida diaphragm, contraceptive foam, or cap (sumbatan) servix.
Male condom is an effective contraceptive failure with the numbers 3-4%. Generally during the first year, the failure is quite high. Male condoms can be used for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Effectiveness increases with the lubricant containing spermisida.
Male condom before the penis is placed in contact with vagina. Condoms must be removed when the penis is still ereksi and condoms must be basic so that sperm does not spill.
Now it also has a female condom. According to existing information, complaints kekurangnyamanan on male condom use was only a few occur on the female condom.
Female condom has a ring in both ends. At a closed ring, condoms coated foam to absorb spons or sperm. Condoms made from materials lateks the antibocor with 17 cm long and 6-7 cm diameter.
In order not to disturb the mood, before the condom can be related sexual abuse, even 8 hours before sexual touch. Unlike the male condom-use-only, female condoms can be used for a few round.
At the time of female condom use, men do not wear condoms at the same time. This can cause great friction and rough, which caused leaks and encourage condom condoms to women in the vagina. On the use of female condoms this, do not use lubrikan of oil / petrolatum because it can damage the condom. Once completed sexual touch, do not move much so that sperm does not spill.

5. Coitus interrupted
It is the cheapest way, and without side effects. This is interesting with the penis from vagina before going ejakulasi. But this requires discipline and a high self-control is strong. Failure ranged from 4% -19%.

6. Abstinensia / not to have sex
Main target is young people. Young people invited to be "No" to sexual touch. In this way, sexual diseases are not akan perch.

7. Sterilization
If you do not want the pregnancy then the more can be done sterilization. Sterilization can be done on both men and women. Sterilization in the male called vasektomi, namely the cut vas deferens channel spermanya. Please note, sterilitas not happen immediately because of a back-up sperm in the vas deferens is located approximately akan discharged within 3 days or after 20 times ejakulasi.
Sterilization on a woman called tubektomi. Tubektomi the cutting on the tuba uterina which is a channel out egg cell. Tubektomi can be performed immediately after childbirth and outside the childbed.
To avoid making in the future, sterilization can be done without a cut or eliminate channel sperm or egg cell, that is enough with mengikatnya, until at times can be opened again if you want to have children again.
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