Physiological, reproductive condition of women is a means to recover

After childbed period (the period after giving birth), the average be 40 days, intimate relationship is possible. The physiological, reproductive condition of women is a means to recover. But everything is back on the physical and psychological readiness, especially from the women. Three months after giving birth, women can get pregnant again.

Women who give birth with a very close distance (under 2 years) will have increased risk of bleeding in the 3rd trimester, placenta previa, anemia, fetal broken early, endometriosis childbed period, and death during childbirth.

Research The Demographic and Health Survey, said that children born 3-5 years after the birth of sister, have the possibility of living healthy 2.5 times higher than the birth of the distance of less than 2 years.

Distance of adjacent birth can also trigger the first child neglect on the physical and psychological, that can cause jealousy due ketidaksiapan share affection from their parents.

In addition, the cells release eggs (ovulasi) often precede the first menstruation (menarche) in the adolescents who enter the puber. This can cause pregnancy in adolescent girls who have entered into sexual activity.

Figures pregnancy in a year on the fertile women with normal sexual activity around 90%. So planning a pregnancy is necessary for the mother and also for children. Do not feel up to the child and be treated like a child that is not desired attendance.
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