RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance, National Academy of Sciences, and contah food for pregnant women

Nutrition planning for pregnant women should refer to the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance or Recommended Daily Feed). Compared to mothers who do not get pregnant, pregnant women need akan protein increased up to 68%, acid folat 100%, calcium 50% iron and 200-300%. Food must include the recommended six groups, namely food that contains protein (animal & vegetable), and susu olahannya, bread & cereals, fruits & vegetables are rich in vitamin C, dark green vegetables, other fruits & vegetables.

Feed the amount of energy is a factor as the most important nutrient in pregnancy if the mother is associated with low body weight infants. Too much energy that must be prepared to end a pregnancy is 80,000 calories. (National Academy of Sciences, 1980) or approximately 300 calories per day above the needs of pregnant women do not. This value is calculated based on equality with the protein and fat for growth buried the fetus and the mother of necessity.

Energy needs of trimester 2 & 3 until the end of pregnancy increased. Additional energy during trimester 2 is required for the mother of the network, namely the addition of the blood volume, the growth of breast and uterus, and the cumulation of fat. Throughout the 3 trimester, additional energy used for growth of fetus and plasenta.

Widyakarya National Food and Nutrition in 1993 suggested the addition of V 12 grams / day. Thus Feed protein can reach 75-100 grams or about 1.3 grams / kg BB / hari.

Needs iron in pregnant women increased by 200-300%, for the formation of cell-plasenta & red blood cell embryo.

Suggestion calcium 1200 mg / day for pregnant women aged over 25 years, is the source calsium susu, white, green vegetables. Calsium addition, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex is also required for pregnant women.

Sample Menu Food for pregnant women

2 pieces of bread wheat
1 cup (200 ml) susu calsium
1 boiled egg

Alternation: 150 grams of papaya fruit

White rice 8 SM
1 roasted chicken pieces
Tofu pieces 2 medium
Cut 2 Tempe
Vegetables boiled at

Alternation: 150 grams of melon fruit
2 pieces of pudding

White rice 8 SM
Chicken corn soup
Tumis broccoli
Cow black pepper

Before bed: 1 cup susu calsium
(dr. Nanny Djaja, SpGK)
References: Nutrition in the life cycle, EGC

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