Trimester of pregnancy, during pregnancy vitamin, hormone chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), hiperemesis gravidarum

Pregnancy is a special situation for a woman candidate as mother, as during the pregnancy akan physical changes occur that affect their lives. Eating pattern and healthy lifestyle can help the growth and development of the fetus in the mother's womb.

~ There are 3 trimester of pregnancy:
~ Period I trimester of pregnancy: 0-12 weeks
~ The period of pregnancy trimester II :13-27 days
~ Period III trimester of pregnancy: 28-40 weeks

Vitamin needs during pregnancy
Destination penatalaksanaan nutrition in pregnant women is to achieve the nutrition status of mothers so that the optimal mother was pregnant with a safe, delivered the baby with the potential physical and mental well.

Trimester I:
In early pregnancy (trimester I) nausea and vomiting experienced by women, often called morning sickness. Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy-related hormonal changes between pregnant women in the body. Pregnant at the time of the increase occurred between hormone chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which comes from plasenta. HCG increased production in the first three months of pregnancy and came back after four months, so that in the fourth month of pregnancy entered already started feeling nausea decreased.

Nausea and excessive vomiting in pregnancy trimester I called hiperemesis gravidarum. Signs hiperemesis gravidarum is the weight down 2,5-5 kg or more, can not swallow food or drink for 24 hours, dark colored urine / slab, vomiting often (every hour or more), nausea, vomiting is always so great when eat. Danger hiperemes gravidarum is happening Feed dehydration and lack of nutrition, care needs to the hospital for parenteral nutrition for several days to calm symptoms.

In the I trimester of pregnancy usually occurs increased body weight does not mean that that is about 1-2 kg. Energy needs in the I trimester increased minimal. WHO recommends the addition of energy to 10 kkal trimester I.

Trimester II & III
The addition of the ideal body weight during pregnancy trimester 2 & 3

IMT (kg/m2) Total increase in body weight during trimester
I suggested 2 & 3

~ Lean (IMT <18.5)>
~ Normal (IMT <18,5-22,9)>
~ Overweight (IMT <23-29,>
~ Obesity (IMT <>
~ Baby twin 15,9-20,4 kg 0.7 kg / week

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