Women with age range 40 - 44 years, ie, around 50 percent, with the action Maternity preterm akan increased 2-4 fold

Whether this is my first pregnancy and you may also be the last. I am very anxious and concerned about the decision to have my child at my age it can be said that may be outside the safe age for a mother for pregnancy and childbirth. I really hope that I can bear healthy children, but I also have heard and read about the risk of pregnancy over age 35 years and it makes me feel nervous. What should I do? "

Thoughts and questions are always obsess about this for women who want to get pregnant over the age of 35 years. Today, many pasanngan who decide to marry and have children at the age of 35 years or more, especially in big cities. The number also tended to increase from year to year.

Surveys in the United States in 2006 showed, the amount of labor in women aged 35 - 39 years increased approximately 60 percent compared to 1998. The increase is almost the same occurred in women with age range 40 - 44 years, ie, around 50 percent. Variety of reasons for delay in the dikemukan married or have children delay. However, the most often in the reason because the feel is not ready financially, so that pair-pair young was decided to delay marriage and having children until they are saving enough. Busy career in meniti also often cited as a reason, so no time is running fast.
If you already live in this world for more than 35 years, of course you know that there are not without risk. Begitupula with the pregnancy, at the age of berapun own risk. Age in the most safe for pregnant women and birth is around age 20 - 30 years. At this age women in the optimal situation in other words, the risk of pain, number (morbiditas) and death (mortality) and the mother of the baby who resulted from pregnancy and childbirth in the age group is the lowest compared with other age groups. This risk will be increased in line with increasing age.
Increasing age in women is affecting the number of egg cells that have not been excluded from the ovarium or ovary. Pubertas time, a woman will have about 400 thousand egg cells. This egg-egg akan released one by one each week with the same cycle menstruasi (ovulasi) and ready to be fertilized.

Besides eggs, eggs that have been removed, there are also tens of egg cells that every month a natural death because of failure to release from the ovary, so that the eggs were released terbaiklah while eggs that are not sempuna akan stay and die. Thus, when women experience menopause at the age of 50 - 55 years old, so there are only a few thousand eggs are old cells are still left behind in the ovary. Therefore, before the menopause women experience difficulties ovulasi. Cells that have the elderly has decreased ability to be fertilized and lost the ability to produce hormones, especially estrogen and progesteron.
In addition to the number of egg cells of the bone, the age factor (above 35 years) also affect the ability to receive future womb fetus or embryo. In this case, the ability to receive the womb fetus, decreased. Penuaan factors will also cause the fetus produced by women over 35 years in the sometimes experience difficulty inherent in the mucus layer of the womb or endometrium. This can increase the incidence miscarriage.

What are the risks that can happen?
Risk to the mother:
* Disturbance of the functions and organs - organs in the mother
* Hypertension essential hypertension in pregnancy and increased 2 - 4 times.
* Diabetes mellitus due to pregnancy or with the more familiar term gestasional diabetes can increase 2 - 5 times.
* Obesity (overweight) before and during pregnancy will increase after the age of 35 years. Obesity increases the risk of hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
* Postpartum bleeding or bleeding after childbirth, for example, caused by the location of the road plasenta of birth (plasenta previa). Previa increases the risk plasenta twice at the age of 30-39 years and increased three-fold at the age above 40 years. Bleeding is also caused by the reproductive function of the channel is decreased.
* Maternity preterm with action will increase 2-4 times. Other measures such as labor and labor induction with pliers (forseps) also increased.
* Pregnancy outside the uterus, or pregnancy ektopik increased 2 - 4 times.

Risk to the fetus or the baby:
* Disabled the default, whether caused by chromosome aberration or not. Chromosome aberration that is found most often Down syndrome (the typical berciri various levels of mental illness, face a particular characteristic, the reduced muscle tonus, and occasionally other health).

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