The doctor recommended an ultrasound examination (USG). Should ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. Read more?

Lots of ultrasound use during pregnancy (see tabel.1), although this is still a controversy whether routine ultrasound is permeriksaan during pregnancy or not. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, ultrasound is not recommended for low-risk pregnancy (low risk pregnancy) or in other words the same ultrasound examination of the other medicine should be a clear indication. 

TABLE 1. Some indications of Ultrasound in Pregnancy 
1. Estimated gestational age by the date of the first day of last menstrual uncertain or verify the date for the woman who will do fault recurring labor, labor induction or elective abortion. 
2. Evaluation of fetal growth. 
3. Vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason. 
4. Determine the position of the fetus. 
5. Suspected of multiple pregnancies. 
6. In addition to amniocentesis. 
7. Significant uterine size / clinical age discrepancy. 
8. Pelvic mass. 
9. Molar pregnancy is suspected. 
10.Dicurigai ectopic pregnancy. 
11.Tambahan special procedures, eg, cerclage 
12.Dicurigai fetal death. 
13.Dicurigai uterine abnormalities. 
14.Lokalisasi an intrauterine device. 
Of the fetal biophysical 15.Evaluasi good. 
16.Observasi time of delivery. 
17.Dicurigai polihidramnion or oligohidramnion. 
18.Dicurigai abruptio placenta. 
19.Tambahan out version of the breech position to head position. 
20.Perkiraan fetal weight or premature rupture of membranes show and or premature labor. 
21.Nilai serum alpha-fetoprotein is not normal. 
Observation 22.Menindaklanjuti fetal abnormalities were identified. 
Evaluation 23.Menindaklanjuti placenta location for identified placenta previa. 
24.Riwayat previous congenital abnormalities. 
25.Evaluasi serial fetal growth with multiple pregnancies. 
26.Evaluasi conditions in the care of the fetus before delivery is late. 
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (1993) 

How does ultrasound work? 
Ultrasound is the imaging method using high frequency sound waves that exceed the limits of human hearing to produce a picture of structures inside the body. Sound waves emitted by the probe will be reflected back if the specific body structures such as bone or tissue, and its reflections would be arrested by the recipient (receiver) contained in the probe as well. Waves are processed into images that can be viewed on a monitor. 

What will you have during the inspection? 
If you are required to undergo an ultrasound examination then you need to prepare yourself, you may be asked to drink a lot so that the bladder filled. This will make it easier to see your uterus. But some are not asked to drink a lot like the pregnancy months to 2 or 3 when using transvaginal ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound is similar to an ultrasound device used (transabdominal ultrasound) which differentiate only on transvaginal ultrasound has a small probe size that can be inserted into a hole vulva (vagina) and high frequency (5-7 MHz). One advantage is able to detect early pregnancy. 
You will spread like jelly to eliminate the distance between the transducer with a body that produces a better picture. Then your stomach began to 'explore' by the probe. You can feel a little discomfort due to stomach slightly compressed by the probe. Several position changes may be needed. So you can ask your doctor for leaning to the left or right side. This examination takes about 20 minutes and is performed by a competent person who is a specialist radiologist or a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology specialists. 
All the necessary data can be stored and printed as needed. 

Ultrasound dangerous for you and your baby? 
As far as is known by experts, until now has not proven that ultrasound can cause disability or other things that fear. Ultrasound instruments do not emit ionizing radiation as in the other radiological equipment that is safe for you and your baby. 
Ultrasound as a means of medical support has limitations to detect abnormalities that may exist in your baby in the womb. In this case your doctor will probably ask you to do some other tests are needed. Therefore always consult with your treating doctor and watch your pregnancy well.

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