People with cancer. What is known, the cancer can be caused by many factors, and develop in the very long

Several Factors That Trigger Cancer

That several factors can increase a person's risk of getting cancer. Fortunately most of the risk factors that can be avoided, controlled, and controlled, by selecting an appropriate lifestyle.

Well this is the factors that cause most cancers. Other factors are still many, unfortunately not yet possible to be explained everything here.

Factor in Age:
Most cancers strike people aged over 60 years. But not a few people who was much younger, even children under the age of five years, who also had cancer.

Factors Tobacco:
Smoke cigarettes / tobacco smokers who inhaled either active or passive smoking can cause lung cancer, cancer of the vocal cords, cancer of the mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, leukemia, and cervix.
Not only the smoke, often smelling of tobacco can cause cancer, and chew / suck it can cause mouth cancer.

Sunshine Factor:
Good morning sunshine to health. But the afternoon sun, which contains ultraviolet, can cause skin cancer. Use an umbrella, hat, and clothing as much as possible to close the body to protect itself from ultraviolet rays. Unprotected skin, sunscreen should be smeared with a sun protection factor containing at least 15.
Ultraviolet rays can penetrate glass, thin clothing, can also be reflected by sand, water, snow, and ice. Keep in mind, that the ultraviolet lamps are sold in stores can also cause cancer.

Gaktor Chemical substances:
Many chemicals are added in the food / beverage modern can lead to cancer, such as preservatives, artificial coloring, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings. In fact, almost all food / beverage production plant or sold in the shop / restaurant contain additional substances such.
But the food prepared at home may not free any cancer risk. Since most vegetables and fruits planted by relying on artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Baked goods, baked, or fried in oil jelantah also potentially cause cancer. Once the water is polluted detergent and chemical wastes other (even if already in the clear).
Substances other cancer-causing chemicals can enter the human body through the air, such as gasoline, asbestos, cadmium, nickel, vinyl chloride, and so on.

Factors Viruses and Bacteria Infections:
Some types of viruses and bacteria can increase the risk of cancer, among others:
~ Human papilloma virus (HPV), is the main cause of cervical cancer and can increase the risk of other types of cancer. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis
~ Can lead to liver cancer. Human T-cell leukemia / lymphoma (HTLV-1) increase the risk of lymphoma and leukemia. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes AIDS was known as this increases the risk of lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.

Epstein-Barr virus increases the risk of outbreak of lymphoma. Human herpes virus 8 (HHV8) may cause Kaposi's sarcoma. Helicobacter pylori causes gastric and intestinal injury can also cause cancer throughout the digestive tract.
To reduce the possibility of contracting the virus / bacteria, avoid changing sexual partners, also do not exchange toothbrushes, needles, combs, cutlery, etc..

Factor Diet, Obesity, and Lack of Motion:
Too much consumption of red meat and salt can increase the expected risk of colon cancer, rectum, and other cancers in the abdominal area. Instead many vegetable and fruit consumption may reduce cancer risk through the digestive tract.
Obesity and inactivity can lead to breast cancer, endometrial, kidney, colon, and esophagus. To prevent this, every day of exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Alcohol Factor:
Consumption of alcohol can trigger cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, vocal cords, liver, and breast. But once in a while eat tape, not okay.

Factors Hormones:
Excessive hormone estrogen in the body can increase the likelihood of the outbreak of the womb cancer and breast cancer. Progesterone was able to prevent the occurrence of endometrial cancer, but increases the risk of breast cancer. Both types of hormones are widely used as an ingredient of the Pill or hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women. Long-term use can reduce the risk of pregnancy and endometrial cancer, but increase the risk of breast cancer and liver cancer.

Trigger factors above will cause cancer if you managed to make a gene in the cell nucleus to change (mutate). If the immune system not able to improve or destroy genes which have this mutation, the gene makes normal cells into malignant cells, which develop into cancer so forth.

Sometimes the nature of the gene is then passed on to children, which makes the child has an abnormal gene. Yet this abnormal gene does not necessarily develop into cancer, because it still depends on the presence or absence of other triggers and least powerful body endurance. Moreover, not all types of inherited cancer. Only certain types of cancer who have inherited the tendency, namely melanoma (skin cancer), breast, womb, prostate, and colon.

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