Chemotherapy can damage the joints

Aggressive chemotherapy and high doses in cases of breast cancer is beginning suspected bring more negative effects than benefits received. Risk chemotherapy destroys the bone joints of patients who received temporary benefits are not comparable. Because, chemotherapy does not guarantee the cancer will not come back up.

The study recommended the discontinuation of chemotherapy known action expensive and full of controversy. However, some parties actually consider this therapy is effective in some particular woman.

Dose chemotherapy is usually given to patients is usually far greater than the dose consumed drugs the patient. Because chemotherapy can damage the joints, patients often must undergo transplants derived from their own bodies.

High-dose chemotherapy has been widely performed on patients suffering from advanced-stage breast cancer. In the conventional pattern, chemotherapy actually performed when a woman has finished the operation.

However, a convincing study in the era of the 1990s proved intensive care can not not give much benefit in cancer patients has spread to several parts of the body.

The results of study published in the New England Journal of Medicine and the CNN quoted the fact that this shows that the cancer patients had spread to lymph lympe remain at risk of recurrence.

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