Osteoporosis, endometriosis, soy isotlavon-isotlavon

Read to find some of the benefits great, the food source does not make sense.

1. Soy-containing isotlavon addition isotlavon health. Isotlavon-isotlavon a mix-mix found only in plants that have powerful antioxidant properties. hese mix-mix improvements, and help prevent damage to cells caused by pollution, sunlight, and the processes of normal body. free radicals can easily cause harm to the immune system, cells who to often. They must also was responsible for some of the changes of aging? Aging.

2. Reduce the risk of the disease [liver / heart]. Protein and soy isotlavon-isotlavon reduce LDL cholesterol and blood clotting reduction, which reduces the risk of attack [heart / heart] and blows. In one study, people who drank a "milk shake" containing 25g of soy protein for nine weeks experienced, on average, a 5% reduction in LDL cholesterol. And the people with the highest LDL measures have a 11% drop. (For each 10% to (at 15% drip falls on the level of LDL, the risk of an attack [heart / heart] decreased to 20% (at 25%).

3. Protection against cancer. Soybean fibers which can be dissolved to protect the body from many cancer-associated cancer of digestive tract, such as the colon and rectal cancer with regard to. Isotlavon-isotlavon While it may protect the body from many hormone related cancers, like breast, endometrial (uterine) and prostate cancer. Isotlavon-isotlavon act against cancer cells in a uniform way to many common cancers that [treatment / buy] drugs.

4. Counter belongings from endometriosis. Isotlavon-isotlavon in soy products may help to offset the action of natural estrogen that the body (it was reasonable, which is often responsible for inciting the monthly pain, heavy bleeding and other symptoms of endometriosis.

5. Protect against prostate problems. Eating soy products may protect against enlargement of the gland / prostate suppressor [male / male]. The size of the gland / suppressor for prostate leading to increases with age, causing various types of various urinary difficulties, including frequent-resurrection revival night.

6. Keeping the fight against osteoporosis. Soy protein increases the body's ability to retain and absorb calcium better in the bones, while his isotlavon-isotlavon slowed bone loss and prevent interference / description of bone, which helps prevent osteoporosis. There is evidence to suggest that
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