Coastal tourism in Batam, the Agency is still minimal SAR

Nongsa, BN: Guard beach in Kampung Melayu coastal tourism is less intensive. SAR team for the Agency for the tourists combating of accidents should be monitored. Anticipating visitors who swim the sea coast, where tourists can sink directly helped.

 Friday, (1 / 10) morning, when the encounter POSMETRO Didi (37) residents of Kampung Melayu this Nongsa District, Confessing concerned, the majority of which live on the coast, just making a living as individuals, or groups around, no help.

 The lack of security features guarding the coast, which is made by the government only special coast guard facilities of Kampung Melayu. Management of beaches in the vicinity of Batu Besar district, it is not apparent SAR Agency level Government Institutions, and non-Department.

  Rising sea waves, predicted by the Meteorological and Geophysics agency, later in September signed Moon October, the sea tide increases. It seems every citizen who live in the shoreline, often given the facilities by the SAR.

  The tourists, while in the interview, would not happen again just as with the last incident, 4 people died of drowning. There was no first aid. Sekilak coast not far from Kampung Melayu, claimed to have a special coast guard team of companies run by Sekilak. (CR2)

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