Masjid Al-MutaQin Development

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Nongsa, BN: Construction of the Masjid Al-MutaQin, established since Year 1954 ago, the mosque of Al-MutaQin already three times in the renovation by the residents of Kampung Melayu. Stage by stage of development continue to be residents of Kampung Masjid Melayu. Wahab said.

  Increasing the mosque of Al-MutaQin is gradually Starting from surau, Musholla, to get to the highest mosque. Masjid Al-MutaQin renovated back from the year 2008 beginning ago, building a diameter of 15x30 square meters, until the year 2010, yet also can build a level above.

  Rw Kampung Melayu, When are interviewed POSMETRO Saturday (2 / 10) afternoon. Malay villagers wanted to ask for participation, the layers of society, who want to help stage an unfinished building in the mosque of Al-MutaQin. Wahab said the chairman of Indigenous People of Malay.

  Funding mosque of Al-MutaQin, masi continue Collected, which received assistance Masjid Al-MutaQin can from all walks of life, relief food, clothing, and shelter. Assistance funds through the state of Singapore and Malaysia also participated, each month. Wahab said.

  Wahab also has the oldest foundations in batam, Miftaful Hassanah. pantiasuhan children who dikelolannya as many as 50 children, consisting of elementary to university level Batam Polytechnic. (CR2)

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